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Remember behind the fence?

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm

My original blog post of "May 16th notes" showed you behind the fence in our back yard. It looked something like this...

We'll I didn't get the results I wanted from all those wild flower seeds, there were millions and this is all I've got, so far anyway...

Can't see much from afar but these are the flowers that actually came up. You can't really tell they are there from the above pic...

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toni wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:15 pm:

It's a good beginning at least.
Some wildflower seeds take quite a while to germinate, some need the freeze/thaw of winter to get going too.
Quite possibly next spring you could have the slope of your dreams.


tschnath wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:35 pm:

Thanks for that info Toni. I'm a little more hopefull now. I'll have to post another pic next summer.


eileen wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:27 pm:

Toni is right - wildflowers can take time to germinate -but you certainly have the beginnings of something wonderful happening on that slope. The plants that are already flowering will, hopefully, self seed and before you know it you'll have a carpet of colour there.

It took some of my wildflower seeds more than a year to show any signs of growth. Now they are almost taking over their section of my garden.


Sjoerd wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:45 pm:

Hiyah. Well, it looks like you did get some results though. Do you think that the birds ate alot of your seeds?
I am hoping that more of your seeds will germinate later on.
Please keep us posted on the further progress of that piece of land.
If you need more seeds, I'll bet that there are many of us that would be willing to send you some seeds.
Fingers crossed for you.


tschnath wrote on Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:35 pm:

Well Sjoerd, the birds could have eaten some of the seeds, but I'm holding out now for the "it's takes a year" theory. I guess I'll have to let you know next summer.

I did plant them kind of late, it was June I think, so maybe they are still working and maybe I'll have some more in Sept. Either way it can't be any worse than it is, so I'll take what I've got and hope for more next year.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone.

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