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Gifts from the Garden

Category: Village Square | Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:37 pm

Yesterday was clean up the veggie garden day. Once the distracting weeds were out of the way, I discovered two more melons and tiny cukes starting. four Heritage peppers, and cabbage were added. Hope it's not too late. The spinach never got very big, but enough for a salad of baby leaves, yum.

My good husband put up a trellis over my back door and I've planted Carolina Jessamine next to it. It has a fabulous scent when in bloom. Can't wait. The Will Goodwin Clematis is climing up a trellis in a container on my front porch. Will it bloom this summer ? It's a new plant.

Gardens are popping up all over in our neighborhood. Where there were plain lots are now Petunia beds, stone walks and porch containers, even another small veggie plot. Charlie says "we've started a craze here" and I so hope so. Our yards look so much happier.

We're getting new neighbors. Wish us another gardener.


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Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:39 pm:

Hiyah Mizz'Gater.
Oh my...clean-up day. I know what that means. WHEW! I can feel the perspiration beading on my forehead just thinking about it. heh heh heh.

It's great that your man put up a trellis. They are really handy things to have.
It makes such a nice sight to see when they are "inhabited".

I don't know the Carolina Jasmine...or maybe I do, but by a different name. it sounds delicious. I am extremely partial to the smell of Jasmine.

It really DOES sound like you have started a gardening craze in your neighbourhood.
It can only be a good thing. It's so normal here, almost no homes do not have loads of shrubs and flowers around it. I have see that it the same way in Great Britian too--in fact some towns and cities have programs whereby the inhabitants pitch in and bedeck the marhins of the roads, round abouts and streetlamps with all sorts of flowerrs. it becomes a sort of pride-thing with them. There are sometimes even contests with judgings.


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:43 pm:

---Part Two---

I like to see that, it gives folks pride in their cities, towns and neighbourhoods, not to mention their their own homes and yards.
It would truly be something good if a neighbouthood was known as ..."oh, that neighbourhood with all the flowers." or , "Oh, that town where there are beautiful flowers all along the streets and hanging off the lamp posts fowntown".
it is a positive thing. There are places with less than complimentary reputations.
What a great way to stand.
I take my hat off to you. Well done!...and keep up the good work. out...


tschnath wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:48 pm:

I can feel the perspiration too! I was out in mine weeding Mon. & Tue. It's a good feeling when it's done. Pat yourself on the back GG. Of course, you'll be out there again shortly, but it'll be good for a little while.
Sounds like a nice neighborhood.

I love wondering around, biking or driving and looking at other peoples gardens. It gives me ideas sometimes, and things to avoid other times.


glendann wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:27 pm:

I'm glad you found new plants growing under all the old.It will great having wonderful plants all around your neighborhood.


Droopy wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:37 pm:

I'm so pleased for you. The veggie patch sounds like it's doing well, and congratulations on your trellis. I do hope that you've managed to infect the neighbours with the gardening bug. Up here most properties have some shrubs, lilacs and a few perennials in a small border somewhere, and lots and lots of lawn. I wish for a garden craze to hit the neighbourhood.


Biita wrote on Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:03 pm:

I think its great!! Get them neighbors thinking and digging. Good go on the veggie garden, and i do hope you enjoyed what you did harvest! Ohhh fresh from the ground, it don't get better than that. Good man you have there,, can i borrow him, mine is too busy playing Viking,,lol.

Up here there is alot of huge boulders, and one of the things i see lots of is gardens that over hang the rocks,, its very charming, and planting is a way of life up here, no matter what it is, so everyone has something growing somewhere... i wish more neighborhoods was like that. Again Congrats for starting a wonderful trend!!!

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