A Cleaning Day
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:04 am
This has been one of those days where I just wanted to clean and purge. I started with my kitchen, which had become counters filled with stuff. I removed the pots and pans hanging from the island, placing them in a cabinet. It really opened up the space. Then I cleared any appliance off the counter that didn't get used at least one a week. The dog bowls got moved to another room, and I cleared off the built-in desk, and returned the chair to the desk (where the dog bowls used to be). Everything is back to the way it was intended to be used. I'm a happy camper. Had to take a pic quick before it got messy again!
I've been watching too much HGTV lately, and decided to downsize the living room. Got rid of any cords running on the floor, hate those when it's time to sweep the floor. Took out the ugly wall multi-outlet and put back the original metal cover, removed a floor lamp we never used (with a cord that went across the floor), and removed the church pew seating that had blankets sitting on it the dog just used as a bed. I still need to see if I can find a new home for the antenna, that still bugs me.
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