It's a good year for Clematis
Pianolady's Gardens | Posted:
Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:39 pm
Hagley Hybrid & Multiblue
Hagley Hybrid from the other side of the fence
My vegetable garden is doing well also, with the exception of the beans I tried to grow in a shadier area. One bean in three rows came up! With all the rain, the seeds just sat in the ground and rotted. Luckily, the pole beans next to the trellis did grow. I'll be trying carrots, broccoli, and lettuce in that area next.
Here's my potatoes and strawberries. I realized I planted the potatoes too close together, so I'll have a bunch of baby potatoes, but that's ok. This is my first year growing potatoes.
The corn also came up just fine. If only I had more space in full sun.
I've also planted tomatoes and peppers, all of which are doing well this year.
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