It's Finally Spring!
Pianolady's Gardens | Posted:
Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:49 pm
And what marks spring for me? The ordering of heirloom seeds and mowing the yard for the first time. This year's seed order included dragon carrots, Provider Beans, and Royalty Purple Pod Beans, none of which I've grown before. The rest will have to wait for warmer weather, as I don't start my tomatoes or peppers from seed. It will be late May before I'll put those out. A trip to the big nurseries for those unusual tomato varieties will be at the top of my to-do list.
Cleaned the brush out of all the front gardens today, felt good to have enough warmth to work outside! Still have much to do out back, including the tall ornamental grasses need cut. That'll be for another day. I'm looking forward to a summer with no contractors at my house this year, that will be very nice!
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