What I have to show for a day's work
Pianolady's Gardens | Posted:
Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:42 am
I have two areas that have received nothing but neglect for the last two years. These are the areas you don't see when I post photos. I couldn't stand the mess any more, so I decided to shovel prune all the trees that didn't get pulled when they were young, and cleaned out the blackberry patch. Nothing hurts worse than going to pick a berry and catching a thorn off a dead branch from years' past. It was quite a hassle to eradicate all the weeds and trees, but will be well worth the effort later in the year.
Most of this....
Came from here....
Since I was left with a pretty blank slate, it didn't take long to take a trip to the local nursery to start filling in the holes.
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