It's Been a Busy Day!
Pianolady's Gardens | Posted:
Sun May 06, 2012 2:02 am
Our son calls this morning to let me know he couldn't fit all his stuff in his car to come home for the summer (has a summer job here). So I trek off on a 2 1/2 hour jaunt to go help him out. Good news is I found a great greenhouse on the way! I was good though, came back with just one thing (a hardy hibiscus 'Kopper King').
I came home to find a few more iris varieties blooming, have no idea what kind they are, but the dark red/purple one is really intriguing.
Then there's this one...
I also got my berm weeded.
Planted my Amsonia 'Blue Ice' (Blue Star Flower) I found on Friday! I also found & planted the fine-leafed Arkansas Blue Star, but they aren't in bloom right now.
And realized I really should have cut back my Weigela bush this year...
And some Calibrachoa just for of my favorites for hanging baskets.
Last edited: Sun May 06, 2012 11:17 am
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