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Tweetykiss's Garden update....
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Seedlings are coming....
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More Seeds....
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Tweetykiss's Garden update....

Category: Tweetykiss's Blog | Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:13 am

Hi Everyone,

I know it has been a very long time since I have posted an entry on my blog and on the forum....I was unable to come here since I was very sick the last several days but I am now much better....I am returning to my job tomorrow...

Today, I finally planted my cucumber and tomato seeds.....I planted these in rows....I had to soak that soil last night since it was hard as a rock....

I have to yet plant my peppers, squash, lettuce and radish, and then the herbs...I found a place where we can dig for an herb garden...

The seeds I planted two weeks ago are now in good growth and my rose bush is in full bloom...the dahlias are going good...

My pansies and geraniums were starting to wither so I gave them compost and now they are florishing...I will take photos again and post them along with my rosebush.....

I am also getting some overgrowth and I don't know which leaves are weeds and which ones are my plants.....Can someone please help me with this....

Do others here have problems with do we keep weeds off the garden......

I will now be reading and catching up on the forum and also catching up on your blogs....

Thanks again for reading my blog....

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jubabe296 wrote on Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:58 am:

Tweetykiss I so glad you are feeling better!! hopefully soon you will have all your plants planted. Yes I have problems with weeds. I try to keep ahead of them, but it's a hard battle so times!! Hopefully someone else can tell both of a way to keep them out!!LOL!
I have enjoyed reading your blog.


glendann wrote on Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:48 am:

Tweetykiss good to see you up and about .I too have been under the weather running temp 2 days but had to work .Our relief was so sick too .Jubabe has been ill too.I am really glad you are better .I put raised beds with black plastic under it and then all compost.It helps .I cut black plastic and place
in between the rows if I
didn't have the raised bed. This is part of how I keep
some of the weeds out .If I didn't the weeds would take over.


eileen wrote on Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:31 am:

So glad you're now on the mend TK I was beginning to think you'd disappeared into the ether!!! Take it easy when you go back to work as you don't want to make yourself ill again.

I use a mulch of bark chippings around my plants to help control weeds. It breaks down in time and has to be replaced by it's 100% organic which I like.


Gardenstew wrote on Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:42 am:

Glad to here that you are up and running again TK. We missed you ;)

tweetykiss wrote on Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:50 pm:

thanks everyone for reading have gave me great advice although I don't know how to do it when I used seeds...

Thank You though...

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