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The Birdhouses are Almost Ready
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Scrub a Dub Dub, 4 Gourds in the Tub!
Posted: 19 Mar 2010
Gourds in Winter
Posted: 13 Mar 2010
Maturing Gourds October 09
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Scrub a Dub Dub, 4 Gourds in the Tub!

Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:06 am

The gourds dried out a lot in the last couple of weeks. It has been dry here and I put them in a sheltered spot. It also has warmed up to incredibly unseasonable temps for March so they are well thawed. The seeds move around in a damp clump inside the gourds when you shake them. The seeds and "guts" (think Jack-o-lantern carving) are free from the sides now.
We brought them in the house and scrubbed off the remaining skin and the slight slimyness that became apparent when the gourds were wet.
The shell is amazingly solid and seems to be impermeable to water. After scrubbing them they dried out again in a few minutes sitting on the heat vent.

Scrubbing off the outer skin ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

We drilled a hole in one of the gourds for a birdhouse and shook and pulled the seeds (still a bit damp) out of the small hole. There were lots and lots of seeds which I'd be willing to mail to people as long as I know it's legal, perhaps I could only mail them inside Canada? I'll have to look into this.

Once I find out what to use to shellac or seal the gourd I'll do that and then out it goes, into the lilac bush where the wrens love to build their nests. It's right outside our family room window and shades our dog house (crazy wren) so we get a perfect view of all the activity and the babies growing older.

A little help from my son ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

Last edited: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:07 am

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Frank wrote on Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:36 am:

Ain't nature amazing. Thanks for the update Jill.


eileen wrote on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:17 am:

WOW Jill your wrens are going to love their new homes. Let's hope a family moves in to each one for you.


Netty wrote on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:04 pm:

You have inspired me to try growing Bird House gourds again! I look forward to seeing your finished products :)


daisybeans wrote on Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:42 pm:

I just love it when you post updates on this. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next installment. I wish I had a bigger yard. I just want to try everything.

fish_4_all wrote on Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:51 pm:

Those are some HUGE Birdhouse gourds! Very well done! I love it and gives me hope that I will at least have a couple get big enough for a bird to get into them. Birds are smarter than we give them credit for sometimes. When I lived on the farm we had robins and swallows that built right around the dog house. They were smart because the dog kept anything and everything away from their nests and once the dog was used to them they could take a couple of pieces of dog food without being chased off.

Was a site to see a robin land of this little wire hair terriers back and he never flinched.

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