A Little Girl After My Own Heart
Nanasheila's Garden Art | Posted:
Sat May 20, 2006 2:00 am
Hi everyone. I still haven't uploaded any pictures of my garden art yet but I promise I will. Our granddaughter is with us this weekend. She's 2 and 1/2 and loves NanaSheila's flowers. A little girl after my own heart! We have spent time this afternoon giving all of Nana's flowers a drink of water because they were very thirsty. She did more picking of the flowers though than watering them. That's okay though as long as I can perhaps instill in her a love of gardening and an appreciation for all of God's beautiful creation. We are learning the different kinds of flowers and their colors. We are also learning how to count as we take time to count them all. It's a great way to spend special time with her and make memories that will last a lifetime. It's been a very good day. Happy Gardening!
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