A big bouquet greeted me this morning
A big bouquet | Posted:
Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:36 am
This was what I found outside my front door this morning .It went from two to 5 over night.
Another Iris.
The Plumbago is starting to bloom.
My new azalea.Its not the color I waned and the tag said but I sure like it.
If anyone knows what kind of grass this is please tell me.I do like it very much.
The Petunias are really blooming.
The wild Thistle is going strong .I thought before I cut it down I'd take a picture.
Up close and personal with my Calla Lilly.
My elephant plant stand.I haven't decided what to put on it yet this year.
Last edited: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:12 am
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