I went to the Dr.today
Great News today | Posted:
Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:22 am
I had to go back to my thumping gizzard :) Dr.today.He said all is going well and my leg arteries are not as bad as he thought as it must be my back causing the most leg pain.I will go to my Chiropractor to help that.I don't have to have the angioplasty on my heart are legs yet.He said the bypass that was done in 2003 is doing its job real well.No more surgery anytime soon .Yippee !!!!!! He said I do have one concern in the lower part of my heart and if I start having more chest pain than I have now that I have to use Nitro pills on then I need to return to him. I am released to return to work Monday :) :) :)
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