Pictures taken in my Plastic Hot House
Pictures in my Plastic House | Posted:
Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:39 am
Jubabe and Allen took pictures in my little plant saver about a week ago.Here are a few of them.
This one is on the old dresser I put in there to work on.I will get other benches in and be able to work in there later on.
Is pansies ,snapdragons Kiss Me over the garden Gate and something else I forgot what :}
Just another group of different ones.
Some of my hanging baskets.One is Moses in a boat,and one is a moss rose
The big redwood planter has one of my Plumerias in it.Has a pole in it because it is keeping water from collecting on top untin we get it finished.It may not look so great but it works soooo.
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