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Windchimes-Love or Hate
Posted: 31 Mar 2011 Posted: 31 Mar 2011 Posted: 21 Feb 2010 Posted: 28 Nov 2009 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 All Entries |
Junk SaturdayWell we found out about a new junk place. They are only open two days a week, so yesterday was the day. I wanted to look for some glass to make a totem. Yes, thanks to Cajunbelle and Miss Petals, I am on the hunt for glass. The place is a defunct shoe factory and was huge. Piles of junk everywhere. I'd say half or it you couldn't even get to. We were like rats in a maze and were hoping we didn't run into the real thing. I wore a light jacket and it was freezing in there. No heat at all. I didn't want to be weighed down by a heavy coat. Good thing too because there was some climbing involved. I found some nice glass pieces right away. Hubby asked what they were for and I told him we are making a totem. He said, "A what?" So I explain but he wants to know why this is the First he is hearing about this. OOps, must have forgot to mention it before. Now he is totally into it and as I am clambering over mounds of junk I keep hearing my name. When I look up there is a nice glass piece for me to decide if I want. I could rent him out to unesorted ladies. He doesn't mind fetching and carrying at all. As I pick out pieces he carries them back to the counter. They had a zillion good pieces. Turns out they bought the whole inventory of a lighting place. Wonder of wonder I found a pretty dress in with all this junk. I don't know where that came from. Here's some of the glass pieces. ![]() And here's a closeup. ![]() I especially like these crackle ones. ![]() Since most of it was new it was nice and clean. They had some domes that were huge. The smaller ones were one dollar and the bigger ones were two. I found this interesting brass piece to make a birdfeeder out of. ![]() We were inspired to go on to Goodwill where we bought four lamps to do hypertufa in. Everything was half price so what a good deal it was. We had a good time but had to get home and get cracking on our Christmas presents once again. I'm pretty sure that tonight I will dream Of garden totems instead of sugarplums. This blog entry has been viewed 963 times
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Looking forward to seeing your glistening creations Bethie. How did you find out about the new junk place?
Ooooh! Aaaah!
WOW!!!! Bethie what a treasure trove!!!! I'm drooling all over my keyboard here. LOL
Boy did you find some good deals.Its a shame I have'nt found such.I would go wild.Hope to see pictures soon of your lamps and all the glass put together into totems.
Wow Bethie, y'all hit the mother lode. Wonderful pieces. Can't wait to see the totems.
Wow, I wanna see them when you are finished with your totems. What finds!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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