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Housekeeping Uugghh....

Category: Ramblings | Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:43 am

I am convinced that there is a house cleaning gene and I didn't inherit it. Saturday morning and I've made and ate scrambled egg and toast; read the Seattle Times online; ate too many cookies as I packaged them for the next weeks lunches; visited my favorite gardening forum, GardenStew, and attempted to clean house. Of course the first thing I did was vacuum up a small piece of wood from the carpet in the garage; blocking the hose to the vacuum. I then spent 30 minutes trying to figure out where the blockage was and then get the darn thing out. Of course that meant I had to go back and have another cookie, and what is a cookie without a cup of tea. When I put the pot of water on to boil I noticed the cone flowers were so pretty out in the front yard still blooming away.

looking out the kitchen window ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Had to go out and take a picture. :)

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Well the camera is out so why don't I take a picture of a dirty house and then do the before and after pictures? (No randomness in my brain or is it anything to get out of cleaning-no I'm not posting pictures of my dirty house...I'll spare you that) So I precede to take pictures of every room of the house and the breezeway and garage...oops I forgot the laundry room. Maybe later I'm not cleaning it.

Here I am now I am sitting and having a cup of chai/tea and downloading pictures to put into my journal writing. After all what is a story without pictures? Nothing of course, so I play with the pictures that I downloaded onto the computer and drink my tea as cookies mysteriously disappear.
Now it is many hours later the house is still not finished. Pictures have been taken, most of the house has been vacuumed but I still need to dust and clean the bedroom and bathroom. I did get the dogs room wiped downed,and their kennels cleaned.

dog room ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Got distracted seeeing the fall anenome out the breezeway window. They have never lasted so long or been so plentiful.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

They make my heart happy seeing them so I just have to take a picture.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Of course I had to browse the garden. The misty rain made pictures of the last dalhia outstanding.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Then I had to hang the sedum ball by the back door. It's pretty lopsided, but... Have you ever tried to make a ball out of old fencing?

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Hanging the sedum ball/blob meant that I had to put plants in the bottom part of this lopsided planter. I then started messing with plants. Potting up the plants led me to the pots of starts the squirrels had uprooted. So I had to repot and cleaned up the squirrel mess. Then I had to find the camera I had misplaced and and once found there were a few more pictures to take.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

calendula ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Got distracted taking pictures and started harvesting the last of the little pumpkins and pulling the spent pumpkin vines.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Then there was lambs ears and violets that needed pulling out from between the patio pavers and then started to tackled some of the overgrown sweet woodruff. What about the nasturtiums, can't forget to collect a few more seeds and then to toss some in hopes they will survive the damp of winter to come up again on their own; all the while pulling the vines they have covered the walkways. I didn't get to the last of the cherry tomatoes to be harvested.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Somehow the house is just not getting cleaned. I don't understand. It must be that cleaning gene I am missing. The sun has moved to the southwest and the shortened days are feeling even shorter. The dog's room and the living room are as clean as I can stand to get them today. The worst of the dust doggies have been wiped away.
I got clean slip covers are on the couches and the smell of bleach is in the air. I always feel better when I can smell fresh bleached linens. Two rooms down and three more to go....Maybe tomorrow.

as clean as its getting today ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Last edited: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:18 am

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eileen wrote on Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:28 am:

That missing gene Jewell - well I don't have it either - thankfully. It should be passed on to the men of this world so that we women can appreciate the better things in life full-time. I'm so glad you had so many distractions as your photographs are great. Just watch out that gene might catch up with you someday so keep running!!! LOL


toni wrote on Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:05 pm:

I so missed out on the cleaning gene. Now the distraction gene like you have is what I got double of, most projects of any kind get started and before they are finished I have done at least two dozen other things that caught my attention.

I love your livingroom, it looks very comfy and inviting.


Jewell2009 wrote on Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:45 pm:

Don't worry Eileen not a chance of getting cleaning fever. My husband has that fortunately for both of us :)

Toni it comforting to know I'm not the old one with a distraction gene. But we do get a lot accomplishedd...eventually.


kuntrygal wrote on Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:08 pm:

Jewell, you are so funny! I was laughing my 'you know' off! The last ten years or so, my cleaning gene has somehow gotten lost as well. I use to get the whole house done in no time. Now I don't even start. No one sees it but me! The distraction gene on the other hand is still alive and well. Guess we can't expect everything to work well!


Newfpaws wrote on Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:28 pm:

Your gift is not the "house cleaning gene" it is the "gift of green" in your yard. I love it.

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