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Reflections and a Cabin in the Woods

Category: Stomping Grounds | Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:06 am

Last week-end we slept, read, played with our new netbook (with no wi fi) and did a whole lot of nothing. The beginning of each year tends to put some of us into a time of reflections. I haven't had much time this last two years to spend relaxing or reflecting, just too busy. When we do make time for ourselves the Cushman cabin is where we go to sleep, read and fix way too much food from old family recipes for fruit cobblers, crisps, and barbequed lemon chicken. There is no TV reception, cell service or telephone. We have spent most Thanksgiving dinners at the cabin since we became its caretakers. It just feels like the right place to be.

Cabin in the rainforest ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

It is hard to believe that we have had our cabin for six years. I have always looked at gettinging the cabin as finally having my three bedrooms and two baths with 1500 square feet of living space. Sure, it took the combination of two small houses to accomplish, but for some unknown reason I have never desired to have anything but a very small house (in town house is 800 sq. ft., cabin 700 sq. ft.). It fits us.

My sweetie, David and me ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

The great recession started impacting us in 2008 which was the worst and we thought we would have to sell the cabin, but the real estate bubble had popped and no one was buying, so we took it off the market. 2009 began to show glimmers of promise, but still had huge uncertainties that were just a "fact of life". There was only one of us with a permanent job. With 2010 we have hope and a renewed respect and understanding for how much we have and how lucky we are. Life doesn't give certainties. Our little cabin in the woods is our little piece of the "good life" to enjoy when time permits.

moss grows so big in the rainforest and I am always amazed ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Kota at rest...its the rain on the tin roof, we all relax ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Rain on the tin roof makes it impossible to stay tense. The gray-green rainy days with moss "leaves" the size of your thumb, newts, nuthatches, red squirrels, deer and a wide variety of woodpeckers and wildlife enriches our overly busy lives. Even the dogs relax. Sleeping with a warm wood fire and the gentle drumming of moisture falling from the trees and mist is a massage for the soul.

We call them red squirrels, but common names aren't "book names". ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

lot surrounding the cabin where the deer sleep when we and the dogs aren't here ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

Our first three winters we heard cougars or bobcats screaming as they chased each other through the early evening mating. The first time I heard the scream I thought someone had dumped a poor kitty. I opened the back door and called, "kitty, kitty". A large cat screamed again. Realization struck. It wasn't under the house but out in the surrounding area and bigger then I first imagined. A hasty retreat to the interior of the cabin with heart pounding I knew that was no ordinary kitty.

Oh well, my days of taking in strays had past and it was time to get back to a book. Yes, life has been kind to us even in the hard times. We get to visit a little piece of tranquility often enough to slow our minds and try for a more reasonable pace of life.

Nurse log with huckberries, lichen and moss ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden )

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eileen wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:34 am:

What a wonderful cabin situated in an ideal setting. I'm so glad you didn't have to sell it after all as it looks like the perfect place to spend time just relaxing.


debbieteale wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:11 pm:

How utterly beautiful.
I bet you can't wait to get away as often as possible.
What a great place to commune with nature.
Thanks for sharing.


toni wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:50 pm:

Wonderfully beautiful cabin and surroundings, glad you have a place like that to keep you sane.

Being out in nature sure has a way of helping us remember what is really important in life.


gfreiherr wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:58 pm:

I could feel the quiet, relaxed atmosphere of your cozy cabin just by reading you post and viewing your photos. Life is good, thanks for sharing.


Kay wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:53 pm:

We too have a cabin in the woods. It is south of Lincoln on a private lake. There are 2 other property owners on the 75 acres, but we're pretty far away from one another. Very rustic, we burn wood for heat. It is a great get away. We love watching the wild life. Bob and I live very frugally. One of our mottos is " all you need is what you've got"
I enjoy reading your stories, and like very much that you have read mine!


Sjoerd wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:07 pm:

What a nice read, Jewell. The pics and text were so nice to see and read.
Boy, you kow how to make a fellow jelous. ;-)


daisybeans wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:42 pm:

Jewell, what a nice posting about the important things in life, peaceful relaxation, slow pace, warm companionship... sleeping puppies, cobblers and crisps. Your place is lovely. I hope 2010 is everything you hope it will be.


honeybunny88 wrote on Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:11 pm:

What a sweet blog:) I love your cabin and you two are so cute:)And the beautiful surrounding's are awesome:)


CritterPainter wrote on Thu May 20, 2010 4:32 am:

wow, I'm so glad I clicked on this past blog post of yours. Those pictures are just wonderful, and it's so nice to see you! What a great treasure to be able to get away to.

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