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Is It Really.....?
Posted: 16 Mar 2015 Posted: 06 Oct 2014 Posted: 29 Aug 2014 Posted: 28 Aug 2014 Posted: 30 Jul 2014 All Entries |
November Snow and FreezeOK, so the way I view myself and the way I am are two totally different entities. As I creep toward my sixtieth year my body has rounded out and drooped in most every part. I've developed an alien's body. I wonder who that thing is in store surveillance monitors or reflected from too large windows. I've been in the midst of a technology grant so sitting at a computer have become a part of my life as I learn new equipment/software and put it into practice. My kid brother (only two years my junior) continues to rock and ice climb, run triathlons and plans a trip to France in March to revisit a climb in the Alps he made in the 70's. I guess we all deal with passing time differently. I wouldn't even have thought about it except this darn Canadian cold and snow entered the region unseasonably and I had to have my studded snow tires put on my car for commuting to work. Roads are covered in ice in an area that seldom gets much real cold at these lower elevations. Guess the 12 degrees F/-11 C will continue for at least one more day. Although the road crews do their best, we simply don't have the road equipment most areas of the country have. It is always a challenge those years where the weather produces snow and cold for that one week or so. The waiting area at the tire center was packed and the wait was three hours down at the LesSwab where I always get my tires rotated. We live only a little over a mile from downtown so I figured what the heck. Walking beats sitting or standing around for 180 minutes or more. At first I thought I'd visit a shop or two, but some how shopping doesn't hold the allure it once did for me. I crept through downtown watching for the slick patches of ice. I waddled my way along the sidewalk past the usual groups of young people. I past coffee shops and restraunts and headed up the hill. Too bad I had had that extra helping of left-over mash potatoes for lunch. Too bad I don't drink lattes in the afternoon. Too bad, so I'll just keep trucking on home. Some how walking just seemed preferable to sitting. The sun was out which is a rarity for me to see since my work room has no outside windows. As I truddled along ice was my excuse for little old lady small steps. It has been a few years since I've made the walk. Maybe even more than a few years. I really should do it more often, but driving is so easy. I probably wouldn't feel so "old" and "teetering" if I made the walk more often. My fake fur 20 pound brown bear coat got mighty hot and the cotton blue scarf was too light weight. Body roasting and ears cold. It felt so good to reach my block and home. Of course I came in and shed my clothes and plopped myself in front of the computer. As I sit here in front of the computer viewing the outdoors (I sit between south and west windows) I see couples walking, parents and children out and trying out sleds, the dog-owners out with their dogs. Yep, it feels good to be in out of the cold and enjoying the sun in the window. It was kind of nice being out for a short while, but unfortuately I know I won't make a habit of it. Gardening is my my main connection with the outdoors and who can garden in the ice and snow? Not me though I see plenty to do out my windows I'll wait until a warmer more rainy time to try. This blog entry has been viewed 404 times
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Jewel, I afraid that time has that effect on all of us. Although I feel like I can shovel that rubble from the tree grinder when I get started the feeling changes. To, my mind wants to be young but my back says whoa old girl. Still, digging holes is the best feeling I get.
I liked this little story of your day. It was a day that got you thinking about a number of things
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