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Time Slip Sliding Away

Category: Ramblings | Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:13 am

I am sitting here at the computer putting off doing work that I should be doing (doing the weekly budget, correcting papers and school work, housework, and yard work).

paperwork *sigh* ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

Instead I am looking through those professional and imaculate looking gardens that abound out there on the Net. What a nice way to spend a Sunday morning.

Sitting here in my pajamas and worn out cashmere sweater I'm feeling comfy and cozy as I browse the Net for new-to-me blogs. Gardening blogs, of course. I'm feeling a little depressed looking at perfect gardens, and perfect houses with perfect plants and a few that are only slightly not so perfect. But none are on the scale of mess that mine are. The dobies have their toys strewn around the living room. Why did Santa bring them more stuffed squeaker toys? Didn't they have enough?

Ciara ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

The slip covered upholstery is wrinkled, and covered in pet hair. Then there are the paper products that are stacked in the vicinity of the stove for fire starters. Maybe they should go out to the recycling bin. Oh, that is too far to walk and entails going outdoors. Maybe later.

Kota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

If I am going to walk it should be to go get the vacuum and take care of the dust bunnies and garden soil that's made its way inside.

Outdoors. (*deep sigh*) There are some piles of leaves that never quite made it to the garden beds. Then again there are some leaves that never quite made it to the piles of leaves. Between work and freezes and torrential rains the yard is a sorry state. Ciara, our digging dobie has probably created new craters out in the orchard area, and hopefully not in the garden beds or paths. The wind storms have knocked fir branches to the ground that have mostly made it onto beds. I still need to pick up plastic starter pots that were strewn around multiple times from storms. Need to solve that persistent problem this spring. One of the shelf units for plants refuses to stand and lays rejected on its side...again. Things that need to be done....sometime later (*another deep sigh*).
But then again I must be thinking spring and garden and yard. (*happy thoughts*) Can spring fever start about now? I haven't even made it through fall yet. Emotionally I am still in autumn with clean-up to do and preparations needing to be made for winter. Some how I have manage to emotionally skip a season this year without seeing the passage of time.

relaxing ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

Instead I think I should go find that good book I had put down and slip off into another world...just for this afternoon.

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Frank wrote on Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:47 pm:

Your dobies look very relaxed Jewell. Maybe they can help you in the garden?


Kay wrote on Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:58 pm:

Your relaxing family looks like my house. Very comfy cozy!
Let go and let be, those chores won't go away, but time is slip slidin away! Life is to be enjoyed!


Jewell wrote on Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:52 am:

How right you are Kay :)

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