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If I didn't garden in the rain then when would I garden?

Category: Spring | Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:37 am

I am getting back into my 15-minutes-at-a-time gardening today. Of course that meant that I was in and out numerous times as my attention waxed and waned. It has been raining all day, sometimes in light mists and sometimes in torrential down pours. It is all in the timing.

Got a couple of dozen strawberries pulled from the muddy soil I should have been staying away from and replanted into 3 planters. Pulled a variety of weeds from patio and walkways. Sometimes I can get an entire dandelion root pulled out if I do the pulling in the rainest of days. Trimmed up one big fern that was covering a small rhodie and part of the patio/walkway. Of course none of this was done at one time, but off and on throughout the day. My expectations are low, but every dandelion and weed pulled now will make summer work so much easier. Found several dandelions that had flowered and were waiting for the sun to come out to spread their seeds...ugh!

In the fall we had a cold snowy snap that brought winter to our doorstep before the trees had even shed their leaves. That means that there is all of the fall clean up to do as well as spring chores. I am finding that the few raspberry starts planted last summer have multiplied and are trying to encroach into the pathways along with the sweet woodruff. Will have to decide if this will be a problem or an accidental reward. Narrower paths means less bark to order/buy. Am amazed at how last years plantings have taken off, and the phlox starts are coming up rapidly as well as several other perennials and perennial weeds. I guess the days I spend at work without windows may have had some sunshine that I wasn't lucky enough to witness. The heather and heliotropes are at the best right now.

Have begun a few small beds by laying down cardboard and the leaves from the fall and a few light and fluffy fir branches to anchor it all. Really need to find a weed free area to get a deer fern, kinnicknick and native ginger out of a planter and into the ground. Decisions, decisions. Isn't spring fun :)

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DirtyDigits wrote on Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:41 pm:

Jewell I've never thought to weed transplant things while it's raining! Coming from south Texas' warm rain to Tennessee's colder spring weather, I'm not sure I'd like it. But the summer showers... not THOSE I could walk around in.

I do hope you have pics, I'd love to see some of your beds and walks.


Kay wrote on Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:15 pm:

Enjoyed your blog. I do 15 minute gardening too, when my energy is low, or time is limited, but you just have to get out there and do something!

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