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Stems and Moving

Category: Spring | Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:40 pm

Today I feel like rambling through my mind and garden. Must be spring. March is the harbinger of spring! Yeah!
My lazy and untidy ways make my gardening practices work for me. I have slowly begun moving some of the phlox that I bought in a bundle of 10 plants three springs ago. I find them by the dried stems that lead me to the plants poking their leaves through the mulch.

phlox are sprouting ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

I had thought that none of the phlox had survived their first summer, but then low-and-behold they surfaced with flowers during last summer so that I could witness the variety of colors I would eventually have. I moved several plants to locations that get more sun. Two plants that I had moved traveled a few feet again this spring. The day lilies are taking off in the bed that I had thought would be a good place for them. In the spring I always estimate incorrectly how things will grow. And you just never know how new plants will do. Especially those bought. Now if you are given a plant you can be sure that it will do much better than those purchased. The phlox start that I was given grew into a mass of pink blooms the first summer. The purchased ones will maybe reach that glory this summer like the following did last summer.

same pink phlox, and some lavender phlox and where is the path???? ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

Now there is also the speedwell and bee balm to move. There stems will show me where they are. I just need to get moving and get out there and get the job started. It would be really nice if I could dublicate this picture again this summer in another part of the yard.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden2011 month06-08 )

I guess I am never finished with anything in the garden.

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Kay wrote on Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:49 pm:

What pretty pictures. Yes, March is a gardener's time to reflect, dream and plan. I'm certain your garden will be beautiful!


Annette wrote on Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:05 am:

nice flowers!..i always leave the clean up until spring as well...i like looking at all the dry stuff poking through the also gives the birdies a place to perch.


Jewell wrote on Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:47 am:

Thanks Kay! Annette it also seems to give them a place to eat also. They seem to clean the echinachea and beebalm of its seeds every winter. :)


cherylad wrote on Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:10 am:

If lazy and untidy makes areas that beautiful... I think I've been working too hard!
Such pretty photos... especially with the hummer.


Tooty2shoes wrote on Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:31 pm:

Very beautiful phlox. The hummer pic is great. I need to plant some of that red Monarda it is gorgeous.

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