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Cedar panels and Sinks

Category: Starting and Maintaining the Garden | Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:27 pm

I really should never have found Pinterest and Google Images. I am planning not one but two sink areas in the garden/yard. One will be near my potting area and the other near the veggie garden. I have some nice scrap boards I saved from rebuilding the cabin stairs, but need to have some decent weather to take power tools outside. These will be used for a surround for the old fashioned square sink. I liked the shape of the square sink for the garden. Am still on the lookout for a faucet for it. With a hose run to it and hooked up it should be handy for washing veggies and trimming flowers to bring into the house.

Sink for garden area ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

The little round one will be perfect to slip into my potting bench made from an old barbecue base. There will be no problem finding it a faucet. I will put it so that I can rinse my hands off outside. I am thinking this will be just too handy.

Sink for potting bench ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

Now I will have to do some serious reorganization first. I moved all the pots, stakes, mesh, etc. behind the sheds late last summer. Since i was slowly collecting stakes, netting, etc from the garden all winter it is a real jumble back there.

Messy potting area moved to behind the sheds ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

We got two of the cedar panels up to hide some of the utility part of the yard. The area looked like this last year.

( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

With two of the four planned panels in place both Sweetie and I are very pleased. Less work cleaning mildew stains also. Lol, if I can't see it maybe it doesn't exist.

Two panels up and two more to get installed ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

The plants that were transplanted are filling in nicely in the new beds, although it is hard to tell from this photo. The ferns i cut back and hostas will make a huge difference once they leaf out.

New woodland area barked and filling in ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

I am surprised at how big the new hellebores are in this area.

New hellebore ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

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williebb123 wrote on Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:26 am:

good luck on finding a faucet for the square sink they are the old independent hot and cold each has their own spigot but you may just want to use a faucet like the kind on the side of the house just a thought


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:38 am:

A nice pictorial this time, Jewell.
I like those flash screens that you are using there. They block the view so well that you could install a WC back there. ;)

In the foto of the "New woodland area", I think that I see wire fencing in and/or around it. What is the purpose of this fencing there?

The background of the hellebor's looks smashing.

I'll bet that you will get a lot of use out of those sinks. Don't wash too much soil or compost through the drain though. hahaha.


Jewell wrote on Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:17 pm:

Williebb I was lucky enough to get the back metal pipe to hook up to a hose. I like your idea for the handles and faucet. It would definitely fit my budget and funky style. Our Habitat for Humanity Resource Store is excellent for finding used building and household stuff cheap. I love browsing there.


Jewell wrote on Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:30 pm:

Sjoerd, I am afraid our minds go in the same direction. I jokingly told my husband he could store the camping porta potty back there once the last two cedar screens are install. lol

The wire fencing is to keep the dogs and myself from walking through the beds until the plants get big enough to delineate the paths. They also help me remember where I planted the hostas and small Oregon grape plants. I laid shredded bark equally on some of the beds and paths (because even I am not sure how big some of the beds will be. The garden keeps evolving. I don't know how garden designers do it)

I am completely in love with the idea of having sinks with counters outside with running water. Of course I will have some hoses dedicated to the sinks and some moisture loving plants placed near the drains. Trying to clean the kitchen sink and counters after I have "gardened" inside is always a pain. Guess I'll have to have an outside compost buckets located by each outdoor sink also. More to do!


Kay wrote on Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:02 pm:

Jewell, It looks like your garden is off to a great start for the season! I like!

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