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The Hugekultur Bed

Category: Starting and Maintaining the Garden | Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 3:30 pm

The area was once a little shady spot filled with plants

Filbert shade garden prior to removal ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

In the previous posts you can see the mess that was left. I am still struggling with tidying up this area, containing the Hugelkultur leveling the area. It was a lot of work just moving a variety of ferns, and hellebores. I have moved my blue potting bench into the area and it houses pots of seeds sprouting for the Hugelkultur and the other area covered in cardboard that is also in transition from shade to veggie garden.

Sixth Month Marker of Hugelkultur ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

So far I've only planted three tomato plants at the base and scattered nasturtium seeds over the top to cover up the ugly for this summer. I still have to level around the back and that dirt will finish covering the wood and logs on the back side. So far it has been a good solution for a huge eye score that would have cost a bunch and put organic matter in the land fill. One day it may be a great big raised veggie bed.

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Kay wrote on Sat May 17, 2014 3:35 pm:

Looking good Jewell, and I know how much work you are putting into it.

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