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Base of Huglekultur Completed

Category: Starting and Maintaining the Garden | Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:23 pm

Spent three days of adding bricks and moving soil attempting to level the ground on the north side of the huglekultur this long weekend. Because of the slope of the land it took a few more bricks than I imagined. Good news is "all miscellaneous bricks from around the yard are now in use".

I am hoping that the extra dirt thrown on top of the Huglekultur will take care of a few hiding slugs. The slugs feasted on the four pots of cucumber starts I initially planted. I have several other pots waiting on my potting bench, but I will wait until the plants are much bigger before setting them in the ground. I did scatter seeds for several variety of greens. The sunflower seeds are also planted. I put them along the fence in the new narrow bed on the north side of the Huglekultur. (The sunflowers are where the bent bamboo stakes are.)

Looking toward the house from far corner ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

Newly finished Huglekultur ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

I still have a good deal of leveling and dirt hauling to do. My potting bench is sitting on a slope and I have a few more shutters to put together to help hide the clutter. I am satisfied with my progress and just wish I had more days off to complete this corner of the yard.

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eileen wrote on Tue May 27, 2014 3:30 pm:

Well I can honestly say that all your hard work has paid off - big time. The Huglekultur looks great and I hope all your seedlings and plants will be slug free and grow strong for you.


Sjoerd wrote on Tue May 27, 2014 9:01 pm:

That is looking stupendous, Jewell.
You really did yourself proud with this project.


V for short wrote on Thu May 29, 2014 3:32 pm:

Wow, that looks like a big project, but you can definitely see the great results from your work.


Jewell wrote on Thu May 29, 2014 10:55 pm:

Thanks Eileen, Sjoerd and V. I am hopeful. Seeds, seeds and more seeds are my motto at this point. The tomato plants are looking good and it is easy to tell that the warmth from the bed is helping them along.

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