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A Spring Snow
Posted: 07 Apr 2009 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 All Entries |
Sketching Sculpture IdeasWith about as many seedlings as my cart can hold already started, my gardening thoughts are changing direction a bit today to sculpture. I have done a few cement garden sculptures (for a community garden and family members) but never for myself. I am drawing up plans to finally add those unique more permanent touches to my land this year. I have so many ideas right now. It's difficult to narrow down what I might like the most! I am leaning towards tall abstract forms. The final say will go to my husband. If he likes any of my sketches, that is what I will run with. Actual creation, has to wait like everything else, till spring breaks. Grrr. I have the cabin fever sooo bad right now. This blog entry has been viewed 391 times
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wow, I'd really love to see what you come up with!
Oh yes so would I.
I'd love to have too many ideas, since I'm rather low on ideas at the moment. You've got a luxury problem there! *lol* I'll just sit here and wait until you're done with the discussions and can show the result. *pouring more coffee* Login or register to leave a comment. |