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2016 Veggie Gardens

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:09 pm

Well, I haven't posted for this year's veggie gardens yet, not because I haven't planted, but because I just haven't gotten around to it.

There is good news, bad news and indifferent news.

Indifferent news:
I didn't get around to starting any seeds indoors this year. Considering that when I do start them, they never grow taller than an inch, I figured it wouldn't make much difference if I started them indoors or outdoors. It would probably be beneficial to start them outdoors via direct sow instead of starting them indoors and then putting the little inchlings through the stress of a transplant, so that is what I did. All went well and sprouted except for some seeds that are getting a bit old. The best performers are tomatoes, summer squash, winter squash, lettuce and watermelon. I also ended up with some volunteer tomatoes.

Bad news:
That groundhog is back. Snipped the tips off my peppers and beans in the lower garden. I'm not expecting much from those but I was able to harvest a couple of peppers for a salad last night. I also found a hole in the upper garden. It doesn't look big enough for a groundhog but something ate the leaves off of one stem of tomatoes. The hole seems too small for a groundhog or rabbit, unless it is a very small rabbit. We obviously need check and repair the fence.

Good news:
The volunteer tomatoes are doing very well, the planted tomatoes are doing very well and the tomato plant starts that were given to me are doing fantastic. The peppers were also given to me and they were great too. It is unfortunate that two got hit by the groundhog but the other two gave me a couple of early peppers. I see a couple of nice watermelons growing and an acorn squash that I am tempted to pick.

Autumn plans:
Build some raised beds and fill them with healthy soil. Our soil is sandy and rocky.
Finish mending the fences and make any adjustments needed to keep the rodents out.

Here is my first harvest for the season:

2016 1st harvest for salad ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

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