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Whoa, That's Snow!
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Whoa, That's Snow!

Category: History and People | Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:31 am

I guess it would take a couple of feet of snow to get me to sew again! I used to sew entertainers' costumes as my third job...usually costing me much of my sleep. Since then sewing has lost much of its charm for me. It has been snowing for almost 24 hours straight now...and I mean SNOWING. We can only get out of two of our doors and I haven't seen piles of snow like this since about 2002. So the nesting instinct kicked in.....
Today my grown kids, dogs, cats and I hunkered down and stayed inside. I spent most of the day sewing three fleece dog coats out of an old waterproof fleece lined jacket that a neighbor had given me. (I cooked and caught up on Inspector Morse episodes in between.) I found two fake fur collars from old coats and decided to add that to the dog coats. They are ADORABLE! Each one is slightly different, depending on what I had to do to make the portion of the "people" coat I used work. I dressed up my three dogs like little dollies, anxious to try these devices out against the snow.
In the meantime, Charlotte is furious with me for putting her in that contraption, Spiffy likes her coat, but is a bit miffed that she can't reach the fur to play with it, and Wilbur absolutely sulks if he has to wear his. Luckily his coat still needs a bit of work...I broke the sewing machine needle at the end of his little project!
How are the coats working in the snow? Once our little guys get used to the snow, I think they'll start to warm up to the idea a little! At least they aren't dressed in toddler cast-offs from Goodwill anymore. (Hilarious, but practical.)
Tomorrow we will dig out. I'll just pretend I'm doing some serious snow gardening! It IS beautiful.....

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eileen wrote on Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:08 am:

Oh do let us see your three little ones in their new coats please Lulu. Their outfits sound ideal for the snowy weather you're getting.


daisybeans wrote on Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:07 am:

Hey Lulu... yeah, this has really been something hasn't it? (You know I'm also in Pasadena, right?). I didn't dig out today either -- hope that wasn't a bad decision. We'll see tomorrow! Stay warm and keep your puppy-dogs warm too! Their coats sound adorable!


glendann wrote on Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:42 am:

Oh my goodness how cute your 3 babies sound in there new coats .I would sure love to see them in the snow.


lulu1107 wrote on Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:04 pm:

We can at the very least provide you with snow pictures and dog-in-the-coats pictures. My daughter has been snapping a photo log of the two feet of snow we have! I HAD to get shots of the "puppies" (8 and 9 years old, actually) in their coats, but they're inside shots. We would have needed some high tech equipment to catch them during their fleeting attempts to brave the snow! We'll try to fit sending the photos into our snow shoveling rest periods today!
Daisybeans, we should get together and talk gardening sometime! I thought you were a bit farther away. Who knows, you could be a close neighbor!

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