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Study Abroad Canada Trip
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Study Abroad Canada Trip

Category: Fun | Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:00 am

I was told in my Plant Morphology class that there will be a study abroad trip to Churchhill, Manitoba, Canada. That particular area is where three different ecosystems come together. I was instantly intrigued and wanted to sign up, but then I discovered it has a $3,200 price tag on it excluding tuition. I really want to go so I e-mailed my professor about scholarships that might be available. She e-mailed me back saying that just for signing up that I would get a minimum of a $750 scholarship. I instantly signed up and am around $2,000 now. I just need to find a way to get some more money, whether it be by selling my other cars, or by applying for some competitive scholarships that I may or may not get, but I'm willing to try anything because I've always wanted to visit and study Canada. The trip includes room and board, polar bear protection/insurance, food, air fair, train fair, and a whale watching tour of which she guaranteed us to see at least a Beluga Whale. I'm really excited and hope I will be able to go. I'm not a fan of the cold, but I will put up with it for this chance. I'm also told that I might be able to see the northern lights up there, which is something else that I've always wanted to see. So fingers crossed that I will be able to go. :)

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eileen wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:29 am:

Oh I really hope you can raise the money to go on this trip. What an experience it will be when you get there to study. I hope you'll take lots of photographs for us and let us see some of what Canada has to offer. Good luck and keep us informed won't you?


daisybeans wrote on Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:44 pm:

I hope you can go too FlowerFreak -- it sounds really exciting. I have a good feeling about it. You'll make it, I'm sure of it.

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