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Plenty of Time for Growing
Posted: 16 Jun 2009 Posted: 12 Jun 2009 Posted: 28 May 2009 All Entries |
Why I am now a "Gardener"I rent my home. My husband and I have never really been that interested in investing time or effort in growing the lawn, much less flowers, vegetables, or the like. Until recently. This past April, it occured to me that everytime I buy a piece of fruit or a vegetable, I am throwing away seeds that, if cared for could produce more food. It sounds pretty basic, I know but it just never occured to me that I already had purchased at least one ingredient required to actually grow something. Besides, with money tight I thought it certainly wouldn't hurt to try a veggie garden. Being a bit of a nerd, I went to the library and checked out & read 5 or 6 gardening books before I lifted a finger outside. I read more info online, and decided, upon looking at how pathetic our dirt is, that I would likely be growing things in containers or at most in raised beds. In looking for the most economical choice, I opted to begin with a plastic kiddie pool. I cut the bottom out, and laid the pool wall (a ring, really) on the ground and lined it with landscaping cloth that allows water to drain through. I then filled the pool with a combination of purchased gardening soil, cow manure, top soil, and a little of the junky dirt from our yard. Meanwhile, inside I started scraping seeds from tomatoes, peppers, etc. into a sub-compartmentalized, covered seed-starting tray. Once things started sprouting (within a week), I was hooked. I started planting all sorts of things. Anything I could find in the kitchen, like lentils and flax seed right out of the bag. Eventually, I planted the seedlings into the kiddie pool, along with other plants I either grew from seeds or bought as seedlings. And that brings me up to date. I'm still an EXTREME beginner at this gardening thing and and still mostly just happy I haven't killed anything, and I have been able (thus far) to prevent bugs or disease from killing anything. Ok, except one head of lettuce that I lost to a huge colony of aphids, but once I yanked out the head, the rest of the lettuce has been fine! So, as my sister says "You Grow Girl!" This blog entry has been viewed 417 times
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What a delightful blog entry. I'm grinning from ear to ear here. :D Keep growing, do!
It's great to hear that you've got the gardeing bug and are having fun while growing things for the table. Keep up the good work!!
Waht a great story! I would love to see your kiddie pool full of stuff from your kitchen. Thanks for sharing.
That's fantastic! Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story!
That gardening bug (like all other bugs) really sneaks up on you! That's a really cool idea...the kiddie pool...not to mention the inexpensive seeds. I've begun saving mine and I've gotten a slew of Rutgers tomatoes from last year's plants this way. The lentils would make great sprouts, too. Try it!
"I'm still an EXTREME beginner at this gardening thing and and still mostly just happy I haven't killed anything, and I have been able (thus far) to prevent bugs or disease from killing anything. Ok, except one head of lettuce that I lost to a huge colony of aphids, but once I yanked out the head, the rest of the lettuce has been fine! So, as my sister says "You Grow Girl!"
Gardening is so addicting. I am glad you have found out how rewarding it can be. I hope you have continued success in growing all your veggies. Login or register to leave a comment. |