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Posted: 07 Mar 2012

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When to move irises

Category: Moving Irises | Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:38 pm

I have some irises in the corner of my backyard and I want to move them because the location they are at right now has dock over there and last year my irises never bloomed because of the dock. When should I move the irises? I was thinking about making a flower box or a raised flower bed to put them in but I don't know what wood to use or what to do. I would love to be able to see them bloom this year. Please Help!

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cherylad wrote on Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:45 pm:

I've been told that you move Irises after they have bloomed. So that means you will not see them for another year.
But, depending on your climate, you can go ahead and give it a try.
And as a sidenote... why not post your question on one of the forums? I think alot more people will see it there and then you can get some more advice. Good luck!

marlingardener wrote on Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:07 pm:

Iris are best moved in the fall, after the foliage has died back. The foliage stores nutrients and strength for the next year's blossoms and growth.
Dig the iris carefully, remove any hollow, soft or "holey" part of the rhizome, and replant very shallowly.
If you make a raised bed, use something durable for the sides like treated lumber, cement blocks, or railroad ties. Fill the bed with good soil, no need to go overboard with fertilizers or amendments since iris are sturdy and not picky.
It would be a good idea to give them a light feeding of composted manure or a balanced fertilizer after the blooming is done.
Iris should be lifted and divided every 4-5 years to encourage bloom.

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Moving Irises