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Posted: 12 Aug 2009

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Starting from the beginning

Category: My Yard and Garden Projects | Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:06 am

We've been in our house 3 years now and we are slowly making progress. Both the house and the yard have lots of potential but everywhere and everything is in need of a major over haul. We moved from a subdivision house in town that had a very tiny yard so the space and surroundings of this property make up for all the work to be done. This is the first summer that I haven't be away almost every weekend so I'm thrilled to be getting started on the yard.

These are my "before" pictures - beyond the pool fence is a farmer's field.

( photo / image / picture from faeryreel's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from faeryreel's Garden )

The Perennial Garden
We'd prepared a bed last weekend that runs up the side of the pool fence - it's about 40 ft long. The local greenhouse had 30%-50% perennials and hostas on the weekend and I came home with a carload full both Saturday and Sunday. My main focus was to get my perennial flower garden started but I also came home with a fabulous assortment of hostas for my shady areas. I'm not much of a planner and my gardens just tend to evolve over time. I wanted this garden to be a rather unstructured so I just went with a general idea of what I wanted. I came home with delphiniums, echinacea, phlox, foxglove, liatris,and a yellow flower carpet rose. I choose a palette of blues, pinks, yellows and white. I had just finished planting the last delphinium on Sunday evening when the rain started. What a storm! Within about 15 minutes, the weather changed from overcast to one of the windiest thunderstorms I've seen in a long time. The rain was blowing sideways and branches and leaves were blowing out of our huge maple tree like confetti. I felt absolutely sick thinking that I hadn't had a chance to stake the delphiniums - since we are in the midst of repairing the fence they had no protection from the wind. Once the winds died down we went out to survey the damage and I found to my amazement, that although they were drooping and leaning, all my tall plants had weathered the storm without serious damage. There were leaves and branches from the maple tree all over the yard and in the pool. We were fortunate though because when we went out to the front yard there were large branches all over the road and several neighbours had trees down. All Monday evening I could hear the sound of the chainsaws as everyone worked at clearing up.

This is a picture of one of the broken branches.

after the storm ( photo / image / picture from faeryreel's Garden )

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lulu1107 wrote on Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:42 pm:

You are absolutely right about the future promise of this spacious home and property! Even with some setbacks, like the storm, you'll get it to the point of being your own personal piece of heaven on earth! I'm about halfway through that process (after 8 years!!!!) and I'm enjoying it immensely.

faeryreel wrote on Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:52 am:

Here's hoping I'll be almost halfway there in the next 8 years! Though I can't imagine every really being "done". It seems one project leads to another, doesn't it?

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