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Category: Aquaponics | Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:06 pm

Jerry suggested that I should have some kind of barrel support so that it would not move ....... I have been looking at it but wasn't really able to decide. After sitting down infront of the barrel and starring at it off and on for about two days, these are my thoughts.

Full Cage ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
This look very secure but ..... err is this like over doing it?

Half Cage ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
I guess this might be a better solution because the cage is not at a tangent to the circumference of the barrel so it actually stop it from moving I think.

The Wedge ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
The most simple form just like a car wheel stopper used when changing a flat tyre. Everytime I try to think for more solution the wedge always come to my mind. I think this is the best because it is simple to move and simple to apply. The cost is minimal.

Anyway it is raining again now and I would be able to fill up the barrel tomorrow with the water I am collecting now. With a fully filled up tank I would be able to see how the wedges perform in real situation.

Tomorrow WEDGEY day!!!

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Jerry Sullivan wrote on Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:37 pm:

Wow KK!! we have been typing and figuring at the same time:-) what I was going to say prior to the latest blog entry was:

40 in HD TV, I can see why you would be distracted:-)

A wedge or ground chock(as in aircraft wheel chock). If you look at aircraft chocks they are contoured to fit wheels. A contoured wedge would be ideal. Next would be a wedge with a large ground contact area to prevent the barrel from moving it. With the barrel against the wall you would need wedges(chocks) on one side. A rubberized bottom for the wedge surface would increase the shear strength (lateral adhesion) with the ground.

Of course if the recycle facility had rubber aircraft chocks......:-)

Just thinking,



Jerry Sullivan wrote on Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:43 pm:

I like the barrel against the wall with a couple of wedges. This would be a stable configuration.



KK Ng wrote on Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:53 pm:

Great minds do think alike don't they ..... hehehe!!!

Rubberized bottom, thanks Jerry, didn't come across my mind at all. Now busy trying to figure out how to make it.

Rubber aircraft chocks would be really great. Hmmmm...... there is a very under utilised airport nearby and I wonder if I can borrow the unused chocks from them!!!


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:48 pm:

Will the wedgie be flat or concave?
This seems like a great solution...possible even THE best idea in terms of cost and simplicity.


KK Ng wrote on Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:36 am:

Made the wedgies yesterday and it is flat. Will post it later.

Yes that is the best idea.

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