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Category: Aquaponics | Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:55 am

Before starting on the wedgies, thanks to rain I am able to collect more than enough water to fill up the tank to the max.

Stress Test ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
After having it filled, I can now very confidently say that the stress at the opening is minimal if any and 100% no leak at the screw cap holes or any other part of the tank. I tried rolling the tank but it need lots of effort so there is indeed a need for some kind of stopper.

After consideration, decided on the wedgies .... as Sojerd said it "THE best idea in terms of cost and simplicity."

Old Timber ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
Found a piece of left over very hard wood beam which was used in the renovation of my house about 20 years ago and so no extra cost but high value!

Accidental Beveled ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
This species of wood is rated as the second most hard wood from the tropical rain forest. If any termites dare to take a bite at it, I am sure they will have to go see a dentist after that!! Having not saw a piece of hardwood for a long time and with my glasses on for the first time, the end result is a beveled edge instead of a true 90º flat face. A contoured or concave face would be great but due to my laziness ........

Accidental Benefit ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
Anyway this error actually worked in my favor because of the sloping part of the wedgies actually fit nicely to the tank. With a little tap the wedgies fitted snugly into position and it is almost impossible to remove it after that.

Neat ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
Well Jerry, it is the barrel against the wall with a couple of wedges. It is really stable and neat.

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Sjoerd wrote on Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:07 am:

Well KK, I think you did a great job there. You are quite a technical whiz-kid, you know!
This really is such an interesting topic to follow.


Jerry Sullivan wrote on Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:47 am:

Hi KK,
The barrel looks good, nice and stable.

Question: Is the return water to the fish tank gravity fed? If it is then the smaller tanks have to be higher than the fish tank. How will that be accomplished?



KK Ng wrote on Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:14 pm:

Thanks Sojerd I am doing my best.

Thanks Jerry, yes the return water will be gravity feed and I am working on that now.

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