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TOM - Unexpected

Category: Tomatoes | Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:59 am

I am not a tomato person and the thought of planting tom was never in my mind until I read Sojerd's posting "Harvesting, Processing And This, That And The Other". Those beautiful tomatoes and the tomato concentrate just made me want to rush out to plant tomatoes and have a plate of spaghetti bolognese.

My first attempt had a great start but a unfortunate ending. Recently I sowed some egg plant seeds in compost and the first seedling that sprouted was transplanted to the ground to grow. As the days go by, it began to look different from the other seedlings that sprouted later and I began to wonder if it is just a weed. Not wanting to be feel like a fool planting a weed I yanked it out and replace it with a egg plant seedling which I am sure that it is an egg plant.

I pulled out the plant in the evening and just left lying there. The next morning it rained and I had a uneasy feeling about the plant. Maybe it is not a weed I wonder ..... hmmmm. By noon it was hot and it suddenly strikes me that the plant is indeed a tomato seedling. I rushed out pick up the poor misidentified plant which by now was almost a limp. Quickly I had it planted in a pot of compost with lots of water and placed it in a shady place feeling very guilty at the same time. I guess the seed must had been from the kitchen waste that we put into the compost. I was surprised that by evening that day it had more or less recovered.

In the very hot and scorching sun, I prepared a bed for it to grow on. I left it in the pot to grow stronger and introduced it to the direct very hot sun slowly until I am sure that it is OK with it.

Survivor ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

Yesterday evening I transplanted it into the bed and it grew so much while in the pot. Keeping my finger crossed that this tom will bear lots of fruits!

Last edited: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:59 am

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carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:04 am:

Yay!!!! good for you KK. Let it grow. You never know it may be GREAT or just so so or not so great, in flavor, but the important thing is that you are trying it again. No failure is a waste if you learned something from it. Garden tomatoes are so much better than store bought ones. so keep on trying!


Frank wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:18 am:

Good luck with your new tom KK!


KK Ng wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:23 pm:

Thanks Carolyn, after the first experience I am now more confidentand yes, own garden produce is always better!
Thanks Frank, keeping me fingers crossed.


Annette wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:32 pm:

nothing better than a fresh tomato from the vine!...yum!

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