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Still Small

Category: Project Red Chili Pepper | Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:35 pm

Stunted ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )
Looks like the weather her is not suitable for this species of pepper. The growth is rather stunted and the fruits are small ..... guess this is all wrong because I got the wrong species and the fruit is not even red.

OK I'll go get myself some real red pepper seeds and start all over again.

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carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:57 pm:

KK, give it time, some peppers start out green, others start out yellow, purple or other colors. when they mature they change color again. some to red, some to yellow or orange... the plant looks good though.

carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:32 pm:

It does seem a little short, though. Just keep watering it and maybe it will do fine. Add a little compost and fertilizer when you give it water. I have used a bucket sitting next to the plant with a little hole in it to water it slowly when the plant is stressed with not being able to get consistent watering. try not to let it wilt, if you have found it that dry. If you planted a saved from a pepper from the store you have no idea the size it should be. Did you buy the seeds or save them? if you bought them they should have a name and perhaps a size guide line for them


KK Ng wrote on Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:42 pm:

Hi Carolyn,
I think this is sweet yellow pepper, it started out as white and now it is turning yellow. It is getting all the water it needed with lots of compost. The seeds were from Walmart, a friend of mine got it for me and on the packaged it is written as mixed colored sweet pepper, 65~85 days to harvest. From my calculation it is now more than 120 days.

I guess the heat here is unbearable for it to grow normally and it had adapted itself for this harsh climate here!

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