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2 in 1 or 1 in 1 ?

Category: Sweet Corn | Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:39 am

I recently planted sweet corn of the Golden Cross Bantam Hybrid species and the instructions mentioned to allow 2 plants to grow in a hole. This is the very first time in my planting experience that I come across such a instruction. Actually I have very little experience in planting and this is my second attempt in planting corn. The norm is usually to allow only 1 seedling to grow in 1 hole to avoid crowding both above and below ground.

I was confused, very confused and so I decided to post this very alien to me instructions here entitled Can I do this? OK I got the feed back and today is the day I shall decide ... 1 or 2?

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Cayuga Morning wrote on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:33 am:

I would follow the directions on the packet. If you are concerned, you could do 1/2 & 1/2 (ie 1/2 your plot with 1 plant per hole and the other 1/2 with 2 plants/hole.) My guess is that the company wants to ensure good fertilization. Or does the company instruct you to thin out the second seedling? Another idea is to shoot to seed company an email about it.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:35 am:

Oh! KK, I forgot! Good luck with your planting! Nothing is better than sweet corn!


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:45 pm:

Good luck with your planting, KK.

Actually, planting more than one seed in a pot or hole or row is not all that uncommon, but usually the excess plants are removed or killed. In the case of beetroot, I lift the extras and transplant them. Something that many folks would not do for fear of deforming the roots.

Keep us posted, mate.


KK Ng wrote on Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:17 am:

Thanks Cayuga Morning, I wanted to do like you suggested by I finally made up my mind with some influence from mother nature ... hehe!!!

Sojerd I planted 3 seeds in each hole and was quite surprised to get 100% germination. I would love to lift and transplant the extras but I have space limitation. Now I've decided to go with 2 in 1 to maturity. Let's see what the end result will be like.

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