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Peace Before A Disaster!!!

Category: Sweet Corn | Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:21 am

Yesterday morning was a beautiful sight after not having seen the sun for almost a week. I was happy thinking that there would be no more rain so I could some very much needed work done before my front yard becomes a sight for sore eyes!

By late noon it was evident that there will be rain, the dark clouds swallowed the blazing sun in just a matter of seconds and the whole scenario made it very conducive for me to take a nap .... yawn ...zzzz.

I felt good when I woke from my nap and the rain had passed. No sun, cool weather I guess it was a good time to trim the hedges instead of dealing with the soggy and muddy soil. Something just doesn't look right when I got to my mini-farm.

O!!! ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

Oh!!!...oooo... looks like it did not just rain while I was in dreamland, it must had been a storm! Yes it was a storm, Becky confirmed it complete with thunder, lightning and gales.

Corn with Bamboo! ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

I immediately trade in the hedge clippers for bamboo stakes and raffia. Very carefully the bamboo stakes were pushed into the ground with care not to injure any of the roots of the corn. The plants were then slowly uprighted and secured to the bamboo stakes. Keeping my fingers crossed that the plants will recover from the shock.

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carolyn keiper wrote on Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:46 am:

You did fine KK, We have our corn blown over from wind, too. We also have to stand it up and we "mud" it back in. Usually this is when it has stormed and the ground is saturated and we smoosh the mud against the stalk to keep it upright. Other times we just let it lie and it will curve back up towards the sky.


Frank wrote on Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:19 pm:

Malaysia sure has some heavy weather sometimes!


KK Ng wrote on Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:50 am:

Thanks Carolyn, didn't know that corn are that hardy!

Yes Frank and they are getting temperamental too!!!

carolyn keiper wrote on Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:11 am:

KK, since you have the bamboo to work with there, why not put a few pieces of string through the row, like a twine fence,to keep them from blowing over again, and tie the rope/twine to some hefty bamboo poles that are sunk as deep as you can get them or is reasonable for your soil.


KK Ng wrote on Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:59 am:

Thanks Carolyn, that's a great idea!

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