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You can tell it is May in Alabama
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You can tell it is May in Alabama

Category: Things That Grow In My Garden | Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:43 pm

A few days ago I received a very frantic call from my neighbor; there was a snake in her swimming pool and her husband was on a camping trip. 'Are you afraid of snakes'? she asked. I grabbed my snake grabber and a flat faced hoe and went over to investigate.

Yup, that's a snake in the pool alright ( photo / image / picture from Accidental Gardener's Garden )

I have a grabber that people use to grab things down from the shelf with. It is really easy to grab a snake when it is on the ground but very difficult when they or suspended in water. It took a number of tries and I had to wait for the water moccasin to come up for air each time. But I finally got it unto the ground and used the hoe to put it out of its misery.

Snagging the snake ( photo / image / picture from Accidental Gardener's Garden )

It's harmless now ( photo / image / picture from Accidental Gardener's Garden )

Then last evening I was walking through the garden pulling weeds as I went and coming out of the purple martin house was this:

Snake in the bird house ( photo / image / picture from Accidental Gardener's Garden )

Only this snake was already dead. He had swallowed a martin and the girth of the bird would not allow the snake to get out of the small hole. He was stuck and with the 94 degree temp. died of heat exposure.

Oh, the joys of living on a lake in beautiful downtown Alabama.

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tonya wrote on Mon May 24, 2010 1:27 pm:

ok ag i have subscribed to your blog but i do hope those dang snakes will stay away from your garden and your neighbor's pool and that poor purple martin!!!i realize snakes gotta eat but i wish they didn't have to eat the birds!or the frogs either...tonya


kuntrygal wrote on Mon May 24, 2010 3:44 pm:

yes those are snakes alright! yuck and look like big ones. anything larger than a worm is a snake to me. poor little bird!


gfreiherr wrote on Mon May 24, 2010 10:31 pm:

Hi Jerry, our snakes are out and about too. My next door neighbor killed a 4 foot copperhead in his yard. We back on to the 16th green and there is a pond just down the cart path. A few years ago I was working part time at a local garden center and as I was getting a hanging basked down a black snake dropped out, needless to say that basket was destroyed when it hit the ground.


Jewell wrote on Tue May 25, 2010 1:04 am:

I love our little garter snakes. You can keep all the big ones and poisonous ones. Thank goodness I live in a wet place with only harmless slitherers. :)

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