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Sure and Sad Sign of Spring
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Sure and Sad Sign of Spring

Category: Wildlife in the Garden | Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:19 pm

Hello again from West Virginia.
Now that Spring has finally come to Wv, I am taken in by the sights as I drive down that country lane leading to my little corner of the World. The fields are now green as the snow drifts are at last melting away. The large piles of snow are melting along the lane, exposing a sight that can only be seen in West Virginia. SODA CANS, BEER BOTTLES, TIRES, WATER BOTTLES,AND ALL THAT WONDERFUL CARRY OUT TRASH FROM OUR FAST FOOD STORES ARE EMERGING FROM THE MELTING SNOW PILES LIKE A FLUSH OF WILD FLOWERS.
I have been all over this land of ours and never have I seen such uncontrolled littering. On my way to Washington DC last week, I saw a washer and dryer, two recliners and a sofa that had been dumped along the road in an apple orchard.I wonder what is going through the mind of someone as they dump thier trash in someone else's yard!
But all of this will now dampen the delight I feel as the warmer days of Spring are now upon us. My garden has been tilled, the seeds planted in the trays, compost bins turned and filled with the shredded branches from fallen trees. I am getting ready for summer!!

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toni wrote on Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:30 pm:

Many years ago we had trash problems like that too. But almost all of the cities and towns now have trucks that pick up appliances and furniture on the curb as part of their regular garbage pickup, so there is less of it being dumped by the road.

I just wish I could teach my neighbors that my front yard is not a depository for their beer bottles, soda cans and McDonalds bags.


Kay wrote on Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:18 pm:

That is disheartening to see all the trash. :( We have an "adopt a road" program here. Organizations adopt a section of the roadways and volunteers get out and clean up.


Droopy wrote on Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:43 pm:

Yup, sonds like here. :( The neighbours always get together for a proper spring clean-up before May 17th, our national day, but I'd rather we didn't have to.


Netty wrote on Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:57 pm:

We have the same problem here when all the snow melts.
I live on a rural road and it's amazing how often people dump their trash in the ditch. We are 5 minutes from a garbage transfer station yet we still get appliances, tires, and other trash dumped here. It makes me sick!
Now summer, ah summer THAT I like :)


Newfpaws wrote on Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:10 pm:

That is so sad that people do that. We don't have that kind of a problem here as we have the Adopt a Highway program here too. What we have a problem with are dead deer and elk. The state takes their sweet time picking them up. We are on a stretch on the highway that is terrible for deer getting hit. Two years ago it was so bad my hubby had to take care of removing several of them. And the funny part is...he could have gotten in trouble for picking them up. So sad.

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