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The hardest part of having a pet
Posted: 19 Feb 2017 Posted: 06 Feb 2017 Posted: 06 Oct 2016 Posted: 13 Sep 2015 Posted: 15 Jun 2015 All Entries |
progress on 2012 projectLast weekend, I finally had time and energy together to get outside and get busy on my project. I got half of it done.Yea! I had to undercut the nearly dead grass out, turned over the soil and amended with cotton burr compost. Dug up my Calicarpa (American Beautyberry) and planted it in its new home. Then I searched my beds for Hostas that might like a new spot. Found 3, dug em up and in they went. Watered, mulched, Voila! new plantings ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden ) The other side of the tuteur will be next, but I have to figure out what to do with the pile of mulch sitting there. lotsa mulch ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden ) We moved it there to get it off the driveway. I have mulched all the beds and have all this left. I have to move it again I guess so I can get back to my project. That is, when I have time and energy together again! This blog entry has been viewed 576 times
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Looking good! That's a lot to accomplish in one day.
Looks great Kay! Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
Looking good Kay! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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