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Finding out about drought tolerance

Category: Random Stuff | Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:58 pm

Another hot, hot day here in the central plains. We haven't had any measurable precipitation since June 23rd. The temperature has been 95°F
or above the past 2 weeks, with several triple digit days in there.
It's hot! It's dry!
My gardens are doing pretty well, mostly because I have lots of shade. I also really care, and have been paying special attention to keep my plants watered. I am especially watching the plants I put in this year; the little ones that need to be babied along their first year.
It has become my morning chore. Taking a stroll each morning to see how they are doing. The temps are not even dipping below 70°F over night, so not much cooling off for them.
It's interesting to see how different plants are surviving. I have 6 Heuchera that are not very happy, crispy leaves. They would be dead if not for me, their diligent caregiver! I have decided they need to be moved this fall or next spring to a shadier spot. (more room for sun lovers)
The 2 yr.old Lilacs quickly droop to show me they need a drink, as does the Azalea and Hydrangeas. The Astilbes are pretty mad, they are just hanging on, and I hope they will be able to rally when it cools off. Many plants seem OK still. Hostas, Hardy Geraniums, Rudbeckia, Coneflowers, Ferns, Heucheras, Salvia, Coreopsis are doing well.
I have moved several of the containers to a shady place under my big Sycamore so they don't burn up. That afternoon sun and 100 degree temps make it pretty toasty out there!. Ugh!
I still have to work, and while doing maintenance in other's gardens I have seen many plant fatalities. death by heat and lack of water. Neglect... so sad
I usually ask if I can drag the hose around with me while I pull weeds. Which, by the way are very drought tolerant!

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Frank wrote on Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:57 pm:

Sending you a rain dance Kay.


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:28 pm:

What a difficult time there. I am at least glad that lots of your own plants have survived. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Kay wrote on Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:14 pm:

Frank, keep up the rain dance, Sjoerd, keep those fingers crossed!
1/4" yesterday, but really ,really need much more!

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