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Crazy busy world of landscaping

Category: my first blog ever! | Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 3:49 pm

I am taking a few to jot down my thoughts.
I have been SO busy. This has been a very interesting, long, intense spring landscaping season. And not over by any means.
The weather has been giving us fits. Our usual frost date is around May 11, but this year Mother Nature is giving us the chill, with a little blast of heat thrown in briefly for contrast.
We are still working to get the late calls for clean ups done, and have launched into our planting season. This year we are facing some unusual challenges.
The winter here was long, very dry and cold, with frequent high winds. So now we are seeing the results it has created in landscapes. A higher than usual fatality rate for evergreens of all types; Yew, Boxwood, Juniper, Holly, Pine to name a few. Even old, established plants gave it up!
This is from such a harsh winter coupled with drought stress from the past few summers.
So, replacing all this plant material has created very high demand on the wholesale nurseries in our region. I am the plant purchaser for our company, and I have been having a lot of fun chasing down the plants we need. I am calling in all favors, and making contacts with all my friends in the industry to help us!
Crazy days, for sure!

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Sjoerd wrote on Sat May 17, 2014 8:40 pm:

Wow Kay, you have had it tough. What a tragedy that so much evergreen has been so severely injured and even destroyed. Well, I guess that it is all part and parcel for the obvious meteorological changes that this old world is going through at the moment.

It is bad for the plants but also bad for you guys in that it no doubt creates a lot more extra landscaping and plant replacement work.

Well kiddo, you take it easy and don't overwork yo-self.


Jewell wrote on Sun May 18, 2014 8:52 pm:

No time fore boredom with that type of season. Take care and enjoy the ride ;D


Netty wrote on Mon May 19, 2014 12:41 am:

Same kind of winter and spring here so far. It seems to have been a particularly hard winter for the Yew :(

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