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Great weekend for working in the yard

Category: Great weekend | Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:45 pm

This past weekend was so wonderful for working out in the yard. I accomplished so much and am so happy with the work that I have done. I weeded around the house and the flower beds, planted flowers next to the house and in the rest of my flower beds, also got the garden planted and set up a bench outside by the garden. I only have two more projects to get started and hopefully finished before the summer is over. We have a shed in our yard and they put rocks under it well I am trying to get all the rocks under the shed this way I have more areas to plant flowers and hopefully keep the rocks out of my yard. Then the back of the house in an area that gets no sun and is moist I want to put a walk way in there and some pretty ground covering to make it look presentable. Right now it is a pile of dirt and our old refridge. Need to get that out of there and find some pretty ground covering that can stand the shade.I am also putting a border at the end of it to keep the flowers in there and off of the side walk that goes right in front of it.

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PJK56 wrote on Mon May 17, 2010 4:16 pm:

It sounds like you have been busy. I've been tearing out the raised flower bed along our long drive. We put in mondo grass along the edge as the border, and added new top soil. Now I have to make a trip to the nusery and pick out what plants I want to put in it. Trying to get everything done by June 1st. At least our big projects. We still have the back to do. We are going to put a walk way to our patio from where we store our grills so they will be able to roll easily. Our back yard has lots of shade and trees, so when it rains it is muddy. Since we do have so much shade we have planted dwarf mondo grass as the ground cover. It looks so much better than just looking at dirt. Hope you get your projects done and can enjoy the summer. My husband and I are wanting to get ours done, so finally we can get our fishing poles out and start fishing again.

daysmommy wrote on Tue May 18, 2010 3:35 pm:

Good Luck on getting your projects done. I wish I could be out working in my yard right now butit is rainig so I am stuck in the house. I still have a lot of work to do on the back and trying to keep the weeds out of the flower beds. I also have my stone project that needs to get finished so I can get my flowers planted around the shed. It is going to be a busy summer. But I enjoy being busy during the summer because I can be outside and also get a work out doing it.

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