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Hummerbum's Blog
3/28/12 Sleepless Night!!
Category: Garden In Action (2012) | Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:23 pm I woke up this morning at 1 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep because something subconsciencely was on my mind. Most of you know that I have a garden project at the office where I work. I don't think i've told you how this came to be. My boss has had this office/house for 30+ years and has done everything to the in and outer exterior of the office but has never touched the small backyard strip for anything other than to throw glass, nails, paint, screws, rugs out there without caring. He tried unsuccessfully to put out lava rocks on top of the weed block but the weeds took over. I suspect that the thin layer of rocks had something to do with it. Anyway, for the last 2 years I kept asking him to put something out back for us to have a place to eat our lunch or just to take a break. Well last year (2011) he let me do it. First of all you couldn't walk back there because of the type of rock and all the sharp objects so what did I do first? Put down cardboard to cover all the crap that was on that ground and build and instant ground cover and an area accommodating to the feet. Just that by itself was an awesome transformation. The next thing I knew there was straw back there. I didn't put it down, my boss did and he left it alone. I did appreciate that he took interest in the area and I went on with attempting to do what i could that year because i started sooo late in the season. I will post pics later so that you can see last years transformation. Moving forward to yesterday (3/27/12).... Before I got sick the first time, earlier this month, I started the transformation again but this time I wanted to make it more beautiful than ever. You all know that I had been dreaming about this the whole winter season. (You can also see my garden pics of what's been done so far) Ok yesterday, he called his handy person to come to the office. Well next thing I know, they're in the backyard discussing what HE wanted to put down over my weedblock so that we wouldn't have to go through this part again. Well that would have been alright with the type of rocks that he decided on but then he decided he wanted a path in the growing area. Mind you if you look at the pics, a path in that space is not visually pleasing in the area that have already visualized in my head. I was so upset and didn't hold back (no i didn't yell or anything like that) and let them know that this is not a part of my plan. The rocks are perfect but the path is not a part of the design and takes away the space that is needed. I also told them that weed block is needed before they put the rocks down in the other area..he said that weed block does not work and i told him it does when you know what you're doing. You have to know what you're doing in order to control weeds. Then I turned around and went back inside. I am so hurt because I feel as though "my" little piece of heaven has been invaded with his insight. He is an attorney and great at interior decorating and I hate interior decorating and has to have his hand in everything, so i couldn't even suggest what to do in his area of expertise. I just feel that I do know that the hours spent thinking about how I would like it to look like is tainted a little. I thought I was alright with it and could work around it but I guess I was wrong. He just wakes up and thinks about things with no rhyme or reason, when I visually plan over seasons. I do realize that this is HIS office and humbly acknowledge that fact, but I just thought that since nothing had been done all those years that he would stay inside and let me be the gardener I know that I am. Finally, I had a space to reasonably work in, so I thought. I am in tears now over this believe it or not..I truly feel like that the part of myself has been stabbed in the gut because I needed that freedom so that I can showcase my natural talents to try and help others as well as help myself---show them how they can garden and what they can have in a relatively small space. I guess that's why I would need a home instead of an apt. but then that would defeat the purpose. I think though what I will do is take him outside today and explain to him, so that he can see my passion for gardening. This is just not an hobby to me but a passion. I want him to be able to feel what I feel about his place...I can't take it with me I just want him to step back and understand. I don't think he really realizes how much gardening is a part of my life. Wish me luck!!! Have a Great Day! Last edited: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:25 pm This blog entry has been viewed 670 times
Empty Daughter's Room Turned Seed Starter Area
Category: Garden In Action (2012) | Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:21 pm I have limited space to plant at the office space in the backyard at work so everything is going to be in containers and container-sized. Since we are empty- nesters in our 40's..our daughter's room has begun to look like a garden area (she's in Med School). Started the first set of seeds on Feb. 11, 2012: Container Tomatoes & Sweet Bell Peppers (from Carolyn). I was really excited. My seed starter consisted of organic seed starter mix, tray with dome and regular old heating pad. At night I use my daughters headboard with a light on it to grow them under...LOL. Started sprouting in about 2 or 3 days later. (See My Garden) Planted a second set of seeds on March 11, 2012: Okra (Crimson Spineless), Dill, Cilantro, Roma Tomatoes (Bush Type), Jalapeno Peppers. Same seed starter and set up. Also started sprouting in about 2 or 3 days later. 3/24 & 3/25 Since I have bronchitis, I transplanted most of my seedlings (Will load pics tomorrow)and it was a lot of work but it was therapeutic..watched TV while playing in the soil. They are now on our living room table..sunning...Wore me out!!! On Sunday freshened up all the plants in the house with fresh soil. Also started Cucumbers (Spacemaster - Bush), Watermelon (Bush Sugar Baby)and Green Beans (Tenderbush). Everything is on a smaller scale. Now they are getting a nice sauna job...can't wait for them to sprout. For me it's relaxing but this year I pray that it will be fruitful as this will be used as our main source of food. Can't wait!!! I will say this to end today's have to absolutely love gardening to do this because your patience will be and definitely is tested during this process. Stay Tuned!! Last edited: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:23 pm This blog entry has been viewed 317 times
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