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Posted: 30 Oct 2013 Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 29 Jul 2007 Posted: 24 Jul 2007 Posted: 21 Jul 2007 All Entries |
mrs greenthumb's BlogAll you need to know about gardening.
The Trials of Moving House.!!
Category: Organic Tips for your Garden | Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:17 am I am in the middle of packing for my move. I have been at it now for 2 weeks, and I just get deeper into a muddle!! I never knew we had so much "stuff" , and we decided that we were going to keep only things that we really need, not the hundreds of items that lie in a cupboard and have never been used. My biggest devastation has been selling the plants out of my garden. I never thought I would feel such a loss. Sounds stupid I know, but I have lived with these plants for 12 years, and they have been my family. To dig them out of the ground and pass them on to others, has been quite traumatic. My once beautifully designed English garden, is now no more. It has holes everywhere, where I have dug up shrubs and plants, and no longer resembles the labor of love, that I created. I have been surprised how many people really know nothing about gardening, as I have had to explain how to plant shrubs, perennials and water plants. I have broken 2 of my best shovels, digging out well rooted plants, who I felt , just didn't want to leave.!!! I now have boxes for the Mover, boxes for the Salvation Army, boxes for the Auctioneer, and very nearly had one of my cats boxed also, ( she jumped in while I was packing and I just heard her mew). My house is an absolute wreck, ( and so am I) what with sorting out new telephone numbers, hydro, television connects, sorting out what bills I need to pay before I leave, and all the other financial matters that have to be taken care of, I am just mentally and physically " pooped". Anyway, I did read somewhere, that one must not dwell on what you are losing, but the potential of what one will gain! So I have this message written on the door, so that I keep it in my mind, when I am feeling down,( that my favorite rose has just been sold.) The worst part, everyone who comes to the garden, keeps saying" oh how can you bear to leave this lovely place?" This is well meant, but makes me feel even more depressed.! I have 2 more weeks to get all my house in order for the movers, and when they have gone, I have to pack my station wagon with 2 large dogs and 2 cats( who will be in their cat carriers) and clothes for a week, and animal dishes and I am going to sneak in a few plants( well how could I not?). So the journey of 3000 kms, will be quite the test of all our patience, and my worst thought is I have to unpack all these boxes at the other end! Well I won't be the first nor the last to go through this stress, but when we are in the midst of all this chaos, we tend to think, we are the only ones that have ever done it. So, I won't be writing for a few weeks, just in case anyone who enjoys my blog, thought I had gone missing!! 'Mrs G.' This blog entry has been viewed 872 times
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