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mrs greenthumb's BlogAll you need to know about gardening.
Weeds drive me crazy!!
Category: Organic Tips for your Garden | Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:58 am Weeds are just plants growing in the wrong place, we keep spraying them and they just keep coming back! Here are a few tips that might help: Smother them out! If you block the sun the plants soon die, as they need sunlight to survive.Place newspapers, cardboard or empty pizza boxes over the weeds,If you are using newspaper damp it first, 6 - 12 pages is good.You can cut holes in the paper to plant new plants, and then soon the area will be weed free. Cut Weeds Out. Don't pull those weeds, just cut them. Repeated cuttings will eventually kill the weed, by not allowing the leaf growth that produces food for the plant.use a stirrup hoe or lawn mower to take off just the top of the weeds. Because you are not digging down into the soil, you will not bring up more weed seeds. Cook Weeds Out. Lay a piece of clear plastic over the weedy area, anchor it down with stones. Then wait. The sun will heat the soil under the plastic and cook the weeds. In very hot sun, the weeds could die in 2 to 3 weeks.When it is time to remove the plastic, don't till the soil.! This could bring up thousands of seeds that the heat did not reach. Just rake lightly.If you have plenty of time and a lot of weeds, you can repeat the process. After the first heating till the soil to bring up the buried weed seeds, water the area to germinate. When the seeds start to sprout replace the plastic and cook again. Spray weeds out. Weeds cannot tolerate certain chemicals, I use products I have in my kitchen as I am an organic gardener, here are a few tips: Bleach Spray. 1 part bleach 1 part water. mix together pour into a spray bottle. Mist weeds. This works well on driveways and sidewalks.For really TOUGH weeds, use Bleach undiluted, but keep well away from other plants. Soap Spray. 6 tablespoons dishwashing liquid 1 quart water Mix together into spray bottle. Spray weeds during the heat of the day to allow the soap to burn them. repeat if necessary. I have many more tips of this nature, so if they appeal to you, let me know, and I will list some more. Happy Gardening Mrs Greenthumb. This blog entry has been viewed 548 times
To sow or not to sow, that is the question?
Category: Organic Tips for your Garden | Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:52 pm I get many questions from people asking me about gathering seeds in Autumn, from flower heads that have died. I use the dried heads of flowers or their seeds, and sprinkle them in places that were a bit bare during the season. This is the best way to get "FREE" seeds!. Of course many flowers do self seed and if you do not want this to happen, you must pick off the blooms before they go to seed.If you have kept seeds over from last year, or any time for that matter,here is how to tell if they are still viable, or if you will be wasting your time waiting for them to germinate. Take a glass, fill it with water, put your seeds into the water, making sure you do not mix up your varieties, and the seeds that sink to the bottom, are viable, those that float on the top, just throw them out, as they will not grow! This method saves a lot of heartbreak, waiting for a special seed to pop it's head through the soil. Mrs Greenthumb This blog entry has been viewed 502 times
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