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donna in nc
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denny's baby's Blog

been very busy

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:56 am

all my little flowers are growing and doing great my fuschia is full of new blooms have made 9 soda can lilies a sunflower and 4 smaller flowers and painted 2 plastic bottle birdhouses will take pics today we have had rain everyday and this morning is so muggy finally got some scrap wood so I can make my little gnomes for my yard so am very happy guess that is what I am doing this weekend have a green thumb day all

This blog entry has been viewed 341 times

got lots of good stuff

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:03 am

yesterday at my soninlaws house so gonna be playing alot this week he gave me 2 large wood turnings and they are beautiful think I will use one as a birdbath stand we have so many birds here I enjoy watching them so much and bunches of rabbits a lot of new bunnies to watch grow up. my flowers are doing great that I rescued my gson dylan has been helping me to make things and I did some soda can flowers yesterday and he painted the stems for me he is only 6 and did a great job plan to work outside again today so hope all have a green thumb day

This blog entry has been viewed 278 times

got some things started yesterday

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:24 am

started a bottle tree yesterday with the new blue beer bottles would love to fiind some of the red ones and got 1 of my plate flowers up and got the headboard staked and ready to decorate will take pics this evening dusted all my flowers with sevin dust something was munching on them all hope to get some more plants soon also finished my door wreath and made some toliet paper rolls wall hanging going scavening for more yard art stuff today so will post more when I get something else made have a green thumb day all

This blog entry has been viewed 558 times

beautiful cool morning here

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:15 am

got out and messed with my flowers some yesterday and worked on some crafts will get pics again soon the wind is blowing just enough to make my chimes sound so beautiful this morning suppose to get hot later today I wished it would stay like this but alas I think summer is on it's way have a green thumb day and keep on planting

This blog entry has been viewed 517 times

got out and dead headed all my flowers

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:07 am

yesterday before the bad t storms came back in last night they are all doing good am going to try again to take pics and post but don't hold me to it lol this puter only does what it wants to . we had some bad storms last night but is pretty out this morning and cool have alot to do today but will try to get some pics again have a green thumb day all

This blog entry has been viewed 426 times

not much going on here

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:22 am

we have both been sick have tried and tried to download pics of what I got at lowes but to no avail can't get them to download but not giving up they are all doing great and my angel trumpet is doing great my dead fushia came back and is full of blooms again not a bad buy for 3 bucks and we have had some hard rains so it is hard to get out and work on my yard but soon I hope have a great flowery day all and keep planting

This blog entry has been viewed 271 times

took pics of all my flowers

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:50 am

yesterday with my cell phone but they got lost in cyber space yesterday so will have to get some more today with my camera they are all coming back beautifully and so perky and seem to be thankful I saved them lol I promise I will get some pics today for sure it rained sometime last night and so nice and cool this morning they sure are pretty to wake up and see on my front porch every morning now I hope everyones thumb is green today have a blessed day

This blog entry has been viewed 551 times

got alot of good deals at Lowes

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:04 am

went to their almost dead flower section fri and bought a large hanging fuschia for 3 bucks and a bunch of 6 pks of petunias for 50 cents each and a minuature yellow rose bush for 50 cents and transplanted them and they are all perky and pretty this morning will try to get pics today sometime been so busy with the new apt and everything haven't had a chance to get on here till now have a great day

This blog entry has been viewed 334 times

angel trumpet cutting

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:56 am

planted my angel trumpet cutting is doing great and has quite a few new leaves on it am so happy about it don't have much room here for plants but hope to put alot out in pots on both my porches got to hunt out all my seeds everyone sent me now that the cold weather is over moving is such a job and you can't find anything for awhile but will find everything soon I hope lol got married apr 4th so am trying to get settled in lol and now have 7 new gkids to teach about growing things can't wait have a great and blessed day I know I will

This blog entry has been viewed 366 times

going to be a busy busy day

Category: beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:48 am

going over to work on the new place will get before and after pics of the yard and a lady on freecycle offered all the free plants and flowers I want so I jumped on that will call her at 9 am this morning. I can't believe we got frost last night after all that 80 degree weather suppose to rain again tomorrow so hope I will get my plants in the ground before it rains again so have a great day all and a green thumb day also

This blog entry has been viewed 665 times

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