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Recent Entries to this Blog Here we go again
Posted: 30 Apr 2013
My Garden has gone to the birds.
Posted: 23 Feb 2013
Still Going Strong.
Posted: 12 Nov 2012
Signs of winter
Posted: 06 Nov 2012
Trip to the Reserve
Posted: 28 Oct 2012

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Viceroy's Butterfly Garden

Here we go again

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:54 am

It has been far too long,work and life have kept me busy.I have spent the past few weekends putting the finishing touches on the Garden. I have divided, amended, replanted,pruned,fertilized, and mulched.

The butterflies are coming back in force and keeping me busy, so my focus shifts away slightly from the birds. New projects for this year include a new arbor,and added irrigation.Wife has already told me which will come first. I have already logged most of my lifers at this point which is great.Looking for the zebra swallowtails that colonized the yard last year. With all the rain we are having things really have been taking off. Looking forward to a great Butterfly season.

I am adding a few photos,the humming bird is from a recent trip to Dominica.

At the lake ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

Dominica Hummingbird ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

Last edited: Mon May 06, 2013 1:41 am

This blog entry has been viewed 294 times

My Garden has gone to the birds.

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:18 am

Hello all, finally have a few extra minutes. Life has kept me busy recently,(at least its life and not work right) Well the Butterflies had actually been going up until the most recent freeze we had last week . Having 7 caterpillars on my dill only two weeks ago is kind of crazy. So as I usually do this time of year I resort to really paying attention to the Fowl visitors my garden also attracts.

Yes a Butterfly Garden attracts many birds and they do not mix well with butterflies or caterpillars,(well the birds don't seem to mind anyway) I had to figure out a way to make it work so I put on my thinking cap and decided "Why not feed the birds" yep I said it I decided to give them easy meals as a deterrent and for the most part it has been a success.

I provide seed, fruit, and mealworms and the agreement is they leave the caterpillars and butterflies alone... Well don't get me wrong there is always someone who has to come along and break the truce every now and then,(and that is always pretty one sided) but overall major success. So feed your birds to have a happy Butterfly garden.

( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

Last edited: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:56 am

This blog entry has been viewed 355 times

Still Going Strong.

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:19 am

Even though the season is winding down we still have plenty of activity. Zebra longwing,White peacock,Monarch,Queens,and many skippers still adorn the yard and are actively multiplying.

I have stopped raising any caterpillars at this point and have let Mother Nature take it from here.I am actively planting and propagating for the spring in hopes of getting a head start.

Still actively keeping feeders and muddle going and making sure to have plenty of flat rocks out for basking. Plans for the new arbor and potting station are in the works.(My wife says all I ever do is plan)

On another note I watched a Queen fluttering around a wild vine which I have still not identified and almost removed once before, NOT HEEDING MY OWN WORDS "Until You Know Let It Grow" When I checked the vine today I noticed three 2nd instar cats! I still have to verify but I think it is Sarcostemma Clausum.

With temps staying in the 80s and upper 70s the butterflies should be really active this week. I get to go on vacation the week after so have to try and get a few more things accomplished by then. Wish me Luck.

Zebra Swallowtail ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

lakeside Sunflower ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

The Queen ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 395 times

Signs of winter

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:40 am

Once again old man winter treads his path in to Florida the signs of his arrival increasingly evident.Many butterflies disappear,many change size and colors.

Those that have been around a while are weathered and faded.Many show signs of near death encounters. But they persevere. And with a little luck they will leave just enough to start the whole thing over again next year.

I always wish for a mild winter for us (in Florida)thats why we live here right? Combined with decent rainfall in the spring we will have another wonderful Butterfly season like this one. What will the old man bring?

( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 417 times

Trip to the Reserve

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:49 pm

Since I managed to lay 7 yards of compost on Saturday, that I thought would take two days I decided to head out early today to a local boat ramp on the lake that is home to many local species of birds. With Butterfly season winding down it keeps me occupied.

It was freezing! 60 degrees, and very windy. After the sun came up everything came to life. Deer, Turkey,Stork, and Bald Eagle to name a few.

While taking it all in I managed to take a few decent shots.I have always wanted to photograph a caracara but never had the chance to catch one. Well today was the day.

Here are a few shots from the trip.

Great Blue Heron ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

caracara ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

Bald Eagle ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 387 times

The Idea

Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:03 am

I started this about 6 yrs ago,{approx} I had never been a gardener at all. After seeing a butterfly garden at the home where my parents lived my little girl asked if we could have one,and the idea soon came to fruition. Who would have known what 4 or 5 plants would have come to.
I call it a Hobsession. I can't wait for the weekend to come to enjoy it, and plan the next best thing, or what new butterfly might show up. Taking pictures goes hand in hand with the garden.So if I am not working in it I am usually taking photos in it. I also raise the caterpillars to be released back in to the yard. When people ask me, Isn't that alot of work? I say no it is alot of effort. And it is very rewarding. I wanted to show the before shots of the blank slate but cant locate the file right now. So I will try that another day. Here are a few recents.

Garden path ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

Tiger Swallowtail ( photo / image / picture from Viceroy's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 417 times


Category: My Butterfly Garden | Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:04 am

Welcome to my Butterfly Garden, I will try to take you from start to present on what has been a long long road of blood sweat and tears, hopefully bringing some inspiration for you along the way.

This blog entry has been viewed 289 times

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