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Posted: 11 Jun 2014
Posted: 11 Jun 2014

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mayashes's Blog

Welcome to my blog.

Category: Propagation Plunders | Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:55 pm

Welcome to my the part of my blog where I discuss my propagation plunders!

Propagation is a great way to create more plants for cheap, so of course this interests me! Please feel free to leave comments, I do enjoy hearing about other people's gardening stories. :)

This blog entry has been viewed 248 times


Category: DIY Projects: Want to Try and Tested | Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:47 pm

Hello gardening friends and welcome to my first blog post!

Needless to say I love to garden and I love to save money. So beginning this past year I decided that I would continuously work to find ways to garden as cheap as possible. This quest took me to the internet and I stumbled across many Do It Yourself (DIY) projects for the garden. Many of these projects look awesome and easy to do. What I have found out though, is that some of them are easy to do, while others aren't. So that brings us to the creation of this blog dear reader. Here I would like to keep track of the DIY projects, both the successes and failures, that I try out. Please feel free to leave comments; I enjoy reading about other's tips and tricks that they have tried/figured out over the years.

This blog entry has been viewed 284 times

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