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Recent Entries to this Blog Winter is slowly creeping in
Posted: 20 Oct 2016
beautiful spring day
Posted: 06 Apr 2016
spring doings and thoughts
Posted: 02 Apr 2015
I keep everything
Posted: 15 Oct 2014
Fall is a beautiful season
Posted: 10 Oct 2014

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2ofus's Blog

Winter is slowly creeping in

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:43 pm

The nights are getting down into the 20's every night with heavy frost and the trees are dropping their leaves. The only thing blooming in my gardens are the sedum. The thing that irritates me is that the day time temperatures are in the mid 50's range and I would love to be working in the gardens...only the gardens are sleeping! We heated the greenhouse for a while to ripen the last of the tomatoes. I can't believe the amount of tomatoes the 8 plants produced. I canned a lot and donated many to the Senior Center and friends. The Seniors really enjoyed the vine ripened tomatoes and gave us a big thank you. I still have 20 to 30 in the fridge but the way we are eating them, they will be gone soon! The rest of the vegetables produced well so my freezer and pantry is well stocked. That's a good feeling!

Last edited: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:43 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 295 times

beautiful spring day

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:10 pm

The ground had dried out and it was a warm 56 degrees. I loaded up my little wheelbarrow with shovel and went to the west end of the garden and dug up a pink flowered potentilla shrub and took it to the front flowerbed. I already had one in the front bed so I added the new on the other end, divided some scabiosus (hope they make it as I've never done that before)dug out some grass and cleaned everything up. All I need to now is put a little compost and fine bark on it and hopefully all the transplants will make it. Ooops I need to divided some of the salvia also but have spots I want to use them in the back yard. It felt so good to be out in the sun and getting dirt under my fingernails!

This blog entry has been viewed 254 times

spring doings and thoughts

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:47 pm

Well my veggie starts are doing good so far. I'll be starting annual flower seeds in 10 days or so. I've ordered Aster - Red Ribbon, Cosmos-Versailles Red, Calendula- Faron and alyssum for the front bed and some Bacoba for some baskets. My yard is starting to green and I even have some dafs blooming and creeping phlox. They are sure a welcome sight!

This blog entry has been viewed 230 times

I keep everything

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:42 am

Oh I'm not a hoarder but I save things that were handmade or thoughtful gifts or inherited items. Now I'm glad I do. My oldest grandson (that we helped raise) just bought his first home so I am able to pass down the bedroom set that we inherited from DH's parents. That was DGS bedroom set when he lived with us. As he is also expecting a son, I called my childless son and asked him if it was okay to pass down his baby clothes that his grandmother and great-grandmother made him. I got his blessing on that and call to see if DGS wanted them. It surprised me that my DGS was so excited. He really wanted the bedroom set but was more excited about the clothes! He kept saying "I can't believe that my son will be wear things made by his grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother. How many kids get that kind of tie to family."
Yes. I am glad I'm a saver of things and even more glad that I helped raise a young man that thinks like that.

This blog entry has been viewed 277 times

Fall is a beautiful season

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:05 pm

DH tilled shredded leaves and aged manure into the vegetable garden and I've put a couple of inches of shredded leaves around all the perennials. There's a nice mound of aged manure under a tarp to spread around everything next spring. I've still got a few fall flowers blooming and one of my geraniums has the prettiest fall colored red leaves on it. I generally do not cut my flowers back until spring. I feel that the dead foliage protects them in the winter plus I enjoy the yellow stalks of the tall lilies and the silvery seeds on the clematis. I leave the cone flowers alone so the finches can enjoy the seed. I guess each season has it's own beauty.

This blog entry has been viewed 248 times

Hard freeze last night

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 2:12 am

All of the annuals in the front were wiped out while the ones on the patio are fine, even the hanging ones. I guess they are better protected. The perennials that are still blooming are the sedums, veronicas, helenium, salvias, scabiosa, honeysuckle vine, and surprisingly one kind of the Penstemon. It will be sad to see them go. I've added a couple of taller slim evergreens just for some winter color, the snow covers up the shorter ones. The tomatoes are still hanging in there even though the thermometer we have in it registered 30 degrees even with all the windows and door closed. It snowed in Jackson Hole, Wyoming which is only 105 miles from us. It will get us soon.

This blog entry has been viewed 225 times

My soil is finally dry enough

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:17 am

Thank goodness! I need to transplant a few plants to better places and will plant my tulip bulbs also. I'll get most of them done tomorrow.
Most of the crab apples around our area was really hit with apple worms so we drove to another town and bought a 30 pound box of McIntosh apples so I'll need to add lemon juice to it to make them tart. I'll turn them into apple butter probably Friday. It's suppose to get a lot colder by then.

This blog entry has been viewed 246 times

Rain,rain go away

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:54 am

It seems like the last 6 weeks we have been getting rain for 3 days then sunshine for 3,seldom 4 days. With my clay soil it takes at least 3 to 4 days for it to dry up enough to use a shovel so I'm transplanting like crazy before it starts raining again. I did get most of that done but my poor tulips are still waiting to be planted. The newspaper said this has been the wettest summer since the early 60's. It makes me wonder how much snow we are going to get this winter!

This blog entry has been viewed 269 times

Non-gardening day

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:19 am

I had my plans made for what I wanted to accomplish outside but first I needed to play housewife and get the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned. By the time that was done my sunshine was gone and black clouds were moving in fast. I sure wished I had reversed things and gardened first! It has rained or hailed, lots if the hail was 1/2 inch around, all day! I was not happy but I did get my 2 pantries cleaned up and organized, even my spice cabinet. Now, darn it, I'll have to wait days for this clay soil to dry up enough to do anything!

This blog entry has been viewed 208 times

Northern gardening vs southern gardening

Category: Miscellaneous | Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:19 pm

Up until I was in my late 30's I had always gardened in zone 4 or 5. We then moved to zone 8b in April. Even though it was a rental I put in two 25 x 3 foot flowerbeds plus there was a hedge of roses at least 30 foot long that was already planted. Everything grew beautifully and bloomed better that I had ever seen in zone 5. Then September rolled around, then October. By November I was stomping around, still dead heading, mumbling "When are you going to die!!" I never got used to such a long growing season so we retired back in a zone 4b growing zone.

This blog entry has been viewed 287 times

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