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Recent Entries to this Blog Appraiser, yikes
Posted: 19 Sep 2014
The Foundation Bed
Posted: 09 Sep 2014
Birdbath flower bed
Posted: 08 Sep 2014
The Big Experiment
Posted: 05 Sep 2014

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tkhooper's Blog

A Long Enriching Journey into a new avocation.

Appraiser, yikes

Category: Garden Goals | Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:53 pm

I'm having the house appraised to deal with some financial upheavals that have been going on. So I need to mow down the weeks. I wonder if my self propelled can handle 6 foot weeds? I'll get a picture next time before they come down. So much to do.

This blog entry has been viewed 202 times

The Foundation Bed

Category: Garden Goals | Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:11 pm

Left side of door ( photo / image / picture from tkhooper's Garden )

Here are where the ooops' began. There was a small azeala there when I moved in. But i had heard about the damage their roots can do to a foundation so I moved it and of course killed it. I didn't need to because it was the small kind and would have done well where it was.

Next came weed barrier. I didn't like it. So I pulled it up. What a mess I was in for. I'm still trying to deal with all of the weeds.

Garden Lighting was the next problem. The electrical lighting has a wire that runs through the bed and I'm forever digging it up. Then the lights are the orangish ones that aren't bright enough for any purpose. Also the actual lights fall apart all the time. I'd dig them up except that the stairs to the house are over them and I haven't quite gotten up the gumption to cut the wire and pull.

Did I mention the irises? Close up they get pretty ugly as they die back and I'd love to move them and I have to several locations but there are always more of them to move. I really need to get them all up out of there and that is the plan.

This blog entry has been viewed 176 times

Birdbath flower bed

Category: Garden Goals | Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:26 pm

Birdbath Flower Bed ( photo / image / picture from tkhooper's Garden )

This bed began at the dump. I got the stand for the birdbath there. It's the one with a squirrel running up a tree stump. Of course the squirrel had taken a lot of weathering and doesn't really show up well but it's good enough to hold the bowl securely.

The top is the one that looks like a leaf and it has a little place for water for butterflies which is why I choose it.

I have honesty (winter interest), Mums (fall interest) Indian Feather (Late Summer interest), Portulaca (summer interest) so far. I haven't figured out a spring plant for it yet I have a problem with voles and moles which limits the choices a bit.

I plant to add chinese lanterns to this bed. I know they are agressive but I do love them.

This blog entry has been viewed 200 times

The Big Experiment

Category: Garden Goals | Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:33 pm

What can I say I was a beginner gardener in 2008 when I bought my house. One of the first things I did was set out a plan for the property. Some things have worked and some things haven't. I'll talk about all of it here. I have a lot of catching up to do but hopefully it will be enjoyable to read as well as to write about.

This blog entry has been viewed 213 times

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